Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bosco Wong wears a 'beige' outfit to support Myolie Wu

The other night, Myolie Wu attended a Christmas Lighting Ceremony at a shopping center with Koni Lui. This year, Myolie is nominated for TV Queen, but she reveals she will be heading over to Mainland to shoot a new series mid-December. So, will she be losing out on the opportunities to earn extra income during the golden Christmas holiday period? Myolie laughed: "The salary in Mainland is pretty OK. It all works out if I go to Mainland to make the money! (Will miss a romantic Christmas?) Work is more important, but I really am busy, perhaps I will only have that chance when I retire." She laughed and claimed she's a workaholic, even if she gets married, she will continue to work.

When asked when Myolie will be getting married? She said: "Not that fast. (Get the TV Queen title first?) This is one of my goals, but after the awards, I will still have to continue working. (Get a pay raise after taking the TV Queen title?) TVB will discuss with me, I have always been a good use."

Myolie's rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong attended China Talent -- Hong Kong & Macau Stop recruitment event with 'Film Queen' Kara Hui and Virgina Lok. Bosco was wearing a beige-colored (杏 - Wu) outfit, and was teased by the media he's wearing this to show his strong support for girlfriend Myolie Wu. Bosco couldn't help but to display a sweet smile, but he groaned that Myolie described him as the 'insteps', while her partner Kevin Cheng is 'palm of hand': "She is bold, step right on my heart. Luckily I'm not the 'foot soles'! (Myolie told you to get TV King later.) I was prepared for that, this year my opponents are strong! (Vote for girlfriend?) She was talking about me like that and I'm still have to vote for her? It's enough to have my verbal support."

As for Kara Hui, she reveals she is waiting for producer Lee Tim Shing to start the sequel to No Regrets. She said: "The productions in this company is mainly for younger people. (You too?) I'm stuck in the middle."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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