Monday, November 14, 2011

Bowie Lam disappointed, Kenny Wong upset 'When Heaven Burns' frozen for 2 years

TVB new series When Heaven Burns will be replacing TVB grand production anniversary series (FH3). The series completed filming and production 2 years ago, but the broadcast date had been left on hold all along. It wasn't until the two leads Bowie Lam and Charmaine Sheh leaving TVB that the company scheduled the series to air after the anniversary. Looks like the cast will just have to wait until next year to be able to participate in the TVB Anniversary Awards nominations.

Yesterday Bowie Lam, Moses Chan and Kenny Wong attended the promotional event for next week's broadcast of new series When Heaven Burns in Kowloon Bay. Lead actress Charmaine Sheh was absent from the promotion because she is busy working in Mainland. At the promotion, the two lead actors joined together for a band, singing, playing the drums and electric guitars. Bowie said: "I said before I will come out and help promote for every series I'm in. It is not because I don't have a contract with TVB that I won't promote the series. I am an adult, we aren't like that." Asked if this series should have been broadcast earlier? He said: "I Know everyone anticipates this series, and it should have been broadcast much earlier. I don't know though, this is TVB's arrangements. However, we all had our difficult times while filming and encountered a lot of challenges. I know we all want this series to air earlier too."

Does he believe it's because he and Charmaine Sheh left the company that TVB decided to air the series after the anniversary? Bowie laughed: "Then does that mean they are afraid of us? Afraid to provoke anger by the people! We never thought about this, why would this be! This is a TV rated series, perhaps the subject matter is a different type." Is Bowie disappointed that the cast won't be nominated for this year's TVB awards? He said: "What do you all think? Next year! However, the most important is to broadcast the clips one more time a month before the anniversary, so viewers can have a refresher. It is only when viewers can remember When Heaven Burns that will pull in votes."

Earlier Mona Fong and Bowie Lam appeared together at a cell phone event, but had zero interaction. Bowie clarified: "Mrs. Fong chatted with me. She even gave me a piece of crab meat to eat. We are good friends and are on good terms."

Kenny was asked if he's upset that the broadcast of this series was delayed? He said: "The series is about Rock & Roll. Of course there is happiness and unhappiness. Since last year when I heard the news that the series will air, I was very happy, but later it didn't happen, so I was a little unhappy. My emotions went up and down."

Moses Chan just said there are many people that think the main goal for this series is to get the awards, but he felt the series brings out the modern romance atmosphere. It is most important if the songs composed by Paul Wong can last until the Lunar New Year. He said: "The series is airing now is not because of Bowie and Charmaine. Why would TVB air the series when the two are not here! It is just a matter of timing. Even if the series airs now, I'll still be happy. Although people are unhappy about the broadcast period, we are still filled with confidence."

Tsang Sing Ming explains: Series broadcast late, continue TVB Anniversary Momentum

Why didn't When Heaven Burns air despite having already been completed 2 years ago? Producer is Jonathan Chik, the cast is a 'golden' group of leads Bowie Lam, Moses Chan, Charmaine Sheh and Maggie Siu. So, just why did TVB have to wait 2 years before releasing it? Is the broadcast period already set when the series is produced? Or is it based on if the series ia grand production or low-budgeted series? Will viewers feel it's out of fashion?

TVB Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs (Tsang Sing Ming) explains. Each series broadcast period is based on a layout, influenced by two large factors. One, is to accommodate the sponsor's arrangements. Next, is to look at the if there are similar series airing, if so adjustments will be made. Mr. Tsang does not think When Heaven Burns is a low-budget production, but instead describes: "A big production should be scheduled to air during the finale period, and continue on the Anniversary momentum because this series will go on to 2012."

So why didn't this grand production air last year and had to be delayed for another year? Mr. Tsang said because last year there was No Regrets, therfore TVB scheduled When Heaven Burns to air this year. The momentum is just as strong for both. Asked if its because of Bowie Lam and Charmaine Sheh's departure from TVB that they decided to air the series now? He said basically when scheduling broadcast dates, it's not about where the artists are because no matter where the artists are, the series broadcast rights remains with TVB. Also TVB has a good relationship with Charmaine and Bowie, nor are there any damages in the relationship that will affect future collaborations.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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