Monday, November 14, 2011

Vincy Chan is dating hairstylist boyfriend for several months, haven't met parents yet

Recently, Vincy Chan's relationship with her hairstylist boyfriend was exposed. Yesterday she and Sherman Chung attended the EEG Family 10th Anniversary Charity Event press conference. She frankly said she and her boyfriend often see each other at work and eventually love sparked. She expressed she was touched by his sincerity and they have been dating for several months. Vincy said: "He is a good person! EEG is fine with this and told me to publicly admit the relationship. I am lucky my current fans are also very accepting that their idol is dating. Recently I received blessings from many friends and fans." What did her boyfriend do to touch her heart? Vincy said: "Just the general things that guys do to pursue girls. Gifts, chatted on phone. (Met the parents?) That's too fast! Although family knows that I am dating, that is too pressuring to meet the parents that fast."

Sherman laughed and said she noticed Vincy was acting a little strange and is often texting on her phone. It also looked like she was in a rush to meet someone. Sherman expressed she hopes to have a boyfriend too, but too bad she still doesn't have anyone in mind.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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