Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kelly Chen gives Louis Koo's figure a full grade

The Kelly Chen Wai Lam and Louis Koo Tin Lok starred Lunar New Year film ALL'S WELL ENDS WELL 2012 (BAK SING PO HEI) will be released in the Lunar New Year. They along with boss Raymond Wong Pak Ming were interviewed earlier. Chen Wai Lam was already pregnant while working on ALL'S, was Kelly's husband worried? She said that her husband asked her about it. He knew that the shoot was only two weeks long and it was a comedy without any fight scene, so he did not object.

Kelly said that in one scene she had to poke Goo Jai's muscle with a pen and praised how fit Goo Jai was. Normally he would train with weights when he was not in a scene. He was very hard working. How would she grade Goo Jai's figure? Kelly said 100 points and admitted that she liked men with muscles. Did her husband have muscles? She joked, "When we started dating he did, now he is a blob." Has she asked her husband to exercise? Kelly said, "No, my own figure isn't very pretty. However my husband watches himself, he wouldn't be too fat or have a belly."

Koo Tin Lok said that this year was his fourth year of making a Lunar New Year film. In the film Goo Jai had a topless scene to show off his masculinity. In the film he was completely naked, but on the set he wore shorts. Was Goo Jai embarrassed? He said, "I wasn't, but I wasn't used to it on the first day." At the time Goo Jai did not have time to work out first, but he has always had abdominal muscles. He just did not have enough time to pump them up. While working in ALL'S, Goo Jai knew that Kelly was already pregnant. Was he worried? He said, "A little, we had to go to a construction site and a forest for location shoots. I was worried that she would fall, instead I saw how relaxed and professional she was."

Wong Pak Ming this year again faces Eric Tsang Chi Wai during the Lunar New Year. He hoped that everyone would be happy and said that he was confident this year he would beat Chi Wai.

Source: Takungpao, Mingpao, Singtao,
Translated by: hktopten

Jay Chou witnesses Nicholas Tse's stunt

Nicholas Tse Ting Fung yesterday attended THE VIRAL FACTOR (YIK JIN) premiere press conference in Beijing. When asked about rumors of a reunion with Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi, he reiterated that he did. He and Jay Chou (Chow Kit Lun) talked about the scene in which Ting Fung jumped into the sea. Ting Fung said that when Director Dante Lam Chiu Yin told him to jump, he jumped without even thinking about it; looking at the playback, he only saw his shadow and immediately asked the director if he was sure it was him? Chow Kit Lun cut in and said, "Relax, I caught your jump on my phone. If someone doesn't believe you personally performed the stunt, I can be your witness."

Ting Fung was asked four questions, "what did he think about good reviews for the film", "what did he thik about the director giving the gun that he performed with", "what belief kept him going on THE VIRAL FACTOR shoot", and "his building jump performance". Ting Fung responded to all of them with a thumbs up.

Chow Kit Lun's building jump scene took place at a hospital. He joked that he was a little scared, but with fans there he had to jump. He said that if only his shadow as in the film he definitely would be very angry. He hoped that fans would upload their phone videos online as evidence. Chairman Chou also jokingly complained that working with the director was very tough because the director was merciless. "I very much look forward to tonight's premiere because I can see the result of my hard work. Everything is worth it."

Source: Singtao,
Translated by: hktopten

Donnie Yen helps the government disinfect new building

Donnie Yen Chi Tan yesterday worked on the upcoming film production 3D THE ICEMAN COMETH (3D GUP DUNG KEI HUP) poster. Producer and investor Stephen Shiu Jr. revealed that the film production cost reached US$20 million because of its many large scale scenes. The production already received an approval for a four hour shoot on the Ching Ma Bridge, and even planned to shoot location at the Government House and the new Government Headquarter for the ending. As for the new Government Headquarter virus, Chi Tan said fearlessly, "We can help them disinfect."

Chi Tan said that the rumor of him making 200 million was exaggerated. "I didn't count, I left it all for my wife to handle." He reiterated that he did not feel he made a lot because actors all looked glorious on the surface. In addition the performing art life would not be long, the more he worked the more he got. Was his next target the Best Actor award? He said, "I haven't deliberately thought about becoming the Best Actor, but I hope to try different characters." For example in the comedy ALL'S WELL ENDS WELL 2012 (BAK SING PO HEI), he claimed that he performed without holding back and hoped the audience would like it. Speaking of the Tony Leung Chiu Wai starred THE GRANDMASTERS (YUT DOI JUNG SI) still has no release date yet, would he make another IP MAN? He said, "I wouldn't make another one after someone else's is released. Actually I am still brewing, when the time arrives I would make it again."

Source: Takungpao, Mingpao,
Translated by: hktopten
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