Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jessica Hsuan issues statement criticizing the Mainland crew 'Seven Deadly Sins'

Yesterday Jessica Hsuan staged an 'Ah Jeh On Fire', which all happened when she was shooting Mainland drama Xiangzi's Story - New City People with Wang Zhao Xiang and Lawrence Ng. It was said Jessica isn't accommodating the promotions and has an attitude. It was reported yesterday by [Oriental Daily] that Jessica was absent from the end-of-filming celebration and was therefore criticized by Wang. Aside from describing Jessica as a "Big Star", Wang also criticized she's too firm, strong and bossy that no one can disagree with her and 'recommended' that she marry a man from Shanghai since they have "no temper".

Jessica had been known as a straightforward person, yesterday she issued a statement in response to the rumor and criticisms.


QUOTE (Jessica Hsuan)

Among all the series I have filmed, I had the most problems with this one. I don't want to be taken advantage of others for publicity nor am I scolding anyone. I'm just not willing to be accused, so I could only respond this one time:

(1) As far as I know, someone enticed my fans to attend the first press conference. When my fans got to the scene, they insisted to my fans that they should hold up pre-made signboards with his name and pretend to be his fans.

(2) During the filming period, he asked me to attend some unknown dinner parties, but I did not agree to go. (I'm not sure if this involves immoral actions).

(3) Without my consent, they used my name to rent the filming location and promised the other party that I would take pictures in exchange. (Because of the above two situations, I have was called 'not accommodating to promotions, unwilling to take photos.')

(4) I didn't receive my final payment for the shoot and so stopped working. Still, they said I was wrong and that I have to compensate them.

(5) When the other actors asked when the final shooting date is, they answered quickly, but when I asked several times, I was ignored.

(6) Not even two days before the end-of-filming press conference (celebration event), they quietly placed the press conference notice in my room (they did not directly notify me), but it is clearly written on the contract that during the contract period, if I were to attend a press conference, I must have a written consent. However, once again they were being dishonest, making me feel very uneasy, I can no longer tolerate it!

In the eyes of some self-centered people, how am I a Big Star? I'm just a green leaf. Some people have such big attitudes, that I cannot react to. Each day, they don't bring the script with them to the set, and would forget their lines! For the shooting of every scene, they have to be called several times before they slowly walk out of the lobby! However, each time when there are reporters around, the situation won't be the same!

During the past two months or so, there had been so many issues. The staff on the set totally understand and justice is in the people' hearts. Saying I'm 'strong', then why not just say I'm a pitiful girl that is getting bullied. I am alone out working away from my home, and have been deceived several times. Other people who want to achieve their goals, make up countless amount of lies and the most hateful thing to do is that they even disturb my family. I was disrespected before, my dignity was trampled, I'm already exhausted both mentally and physically, but still have to maintain the professionalism of an artist. Now that this contract is completed, it has been a lesson learned, I will be more cautious in the future and carefully choose my jobs.

Lastly, please do not use these tactics and use me to get publicity, please!


In Jessica's statement, she exposes the 'seven deadly sins' of the Xiangzi's Story crew. (1) Take advantage of her fans (2) Forced to attend dinner parties (3) Used her name to rent filming location (4) Didn't pay her in time (5) Suffer from neglect (6) Lies (7) Disturbs her family.

The other day, Jessica came back from to HK from Shanghai and accepted [Oriental Daily] interview, she sighed: "In the last two months, I didn't even get the basic respect. There were many worthless dinner parties that I declined to go to. The crew also contacted my fans in private to visit the set. Later, my fans said they were forced to hold up signboards with other people's names, they were so helpless!"

When speaking of the constant dinner parties, Jessica criticized the crew had unreasonable demands, plus the OT (Over Time) situation was pretty serious. She said with anger: "I said I didn't want to OT, but they were unhappy, and did not care about my feelings at all. After all, they cannot force me to do things I don't want to!" She also said in Xiangzi's Story, she plays Wang's wife, but their collaboration was so troublesome: "I just wanted to simply shoot the series. This time, me getting accused, really does affect my reputation and my dignity, that's why I felt there was a need to clarify. I do not plan to take legal action, just think of it as a lesson learned!" When speaking of the other cast members from the series, she said she had a pleasant collaboration with them: "I am not worried that I may have affected others' confidence, I have no regrets!"

Jessica was also angered by how someone went to disturb her family: "One time my mom came to visit me in Shanghai. Coincidentally I had stopped working, so my mom went with the female boss to the bank and transferred the money, but the boss asked my mom for her phone number when I was not around, and since my mom was unaware, she gave it to her. Then unexpectedly because I didn't go to the end-of-filming celebration the next day, she kept calling my mom. When I asked why she kept bothering my mom, she had the guts to tell me that my mom just called her. The lies are truly endless!"

Also, Wang and his wife and the investor for the Xiangzi's Story series (Miss Li) arrived in HK yesterday. They heard about Jessica's statement through the reporters, Miss Li sighed: "I feel really hurt, there is a huge misunderstanding in between. I seldomly contact Jessica, but I hope to sit down and peacefully chat with her." She suspects someone is causing trouble in between.

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao (images)
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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