Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marie Zhuge sobs admitting her miscarriage, displeased by Fala Chen taking it as a joke

Marie Zhuge will be tying the knot with Neway's second young master (Sit Ka Leun) in March this year. Before the marriage could even occur, it was exposed that Marie is pregnant. Over the Christmas and New Year holiday, she had a peaceful vacation with her boyfriend and unexpectedly she was welcomed back with rumors of her miscarriage. During the period, Marie had not revealed herself in public. However, her 'Future Sister-in-Law' Fala Chen (because Fala is currently dating the older brother of Marie's boyfriend, Sit Sai Hang), who had been rumored to be on bad terms with her all along, was asked of the miscarriage rumors earlier and she actually spoke up expressing that nothing is happening to Marie.

Yesterday Marie appeared in public for the first time since the rumors circulated. She attended a 'pray for a child' themed Lunar New Year event at the Tseung Kwan O Center. It is unknown if the 'pray for a child' theme affected Marie's emotions as she appeared very much in grief. She often forced a smile and on stage, she couldn't hold in her tears and had to turn around to wipe away the tears. Before the interview, Marie had to rush into the restroom to wash up and calm down before continuing with the interview. When asked why she's feeling so upset? Is it because she really did miscarriage? She heard the question and immediately tears stream down her face. Soon after, she nodded: "It's true! However, I am not going to talk about unhappy events. (Why aren't you taking a break?) Because the jobs were accepted before the fact. I have to complete my jobs first before I can take a break and reduce my workload to recuperate my health."

Recover and try again for another baby

Reporters pursued the question of how big her fetus was? Marie started sobbing again: "I really don't want to talk about the past! (How is your boyfriend feeling?) I received a lot of comforting SMS and phone calls from friends, really want to thank them. I hope I can face this issue with courage." When speaking of a few days ago (Jan 7th) when Fala Chen attended an event, she said she asked the Sit Family about her marriage and learned that nothing was wrong with her (Marie). Marie heard this and became extremely emotional, she in tears: "I don't want to comment on other people's actions! I just feel you cannot take some things to joke around with. We all can't let a smile out!" She said her family and future in-laws expressed sympathy for her. Does she believe that it was because she overlooked the stability of her fetus and went out for a vacation? She said: "After all, I will recover and try again! The doctor told me to rest more, and don't get too emotional."

Lastly, reporters asked about the rumor that Fala was already secretly married in 2008 and received a 40,000 feet mansion in the US? Once Marie heard Fala's name, she was fed up and said: "I don't want to talk about her business!"

The day before, Fala was a guest model at the jewelry brand THOMAS SABO event. Once again, she was asked about Marie's miscarriage, she expressed: "I already responded a few days ago, I am not commenting anymore. (Why did you respond the other day?) Such a big issue, of course will ask." When reporters mentioned the reports that she's actually feeling relieved by the miscarriage, she immediately asked reporters back, why she would feel relieved? Then she laughed foolishly: "Haha! I really don't know how to answer. I already said what I had to the other day. I answered the question very seriously. To avoid the magazines complicating matters, I will not respond anymore."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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