Saturday, November 26, 2011

The 5 'Approved' TV Kings competes to release 'smoke'

Everyone knows smoking harms the human health. Even the government has said it a number of times! However, the group of TVB 'Approved' TV Kings lets the advice slip through their ears. They don't care about their image, smoking one cigarette after another.

Last Saturday (11/19th), at the TVB Anniversary Gala, the entire crew was busy rehearsing. However, we seen Kevin Cheng, Bosco Wong, Michael Tse, Raymond Wong and Ruco Chan, all TV King level actors constantly leaving the studio to take a smoke break and chat. They sure like to smoke, at least two cigarettes a time, that's very unhealthy.

This group of 'Approved' TV Kings must not know smoking a lot could give them a pile of rotten teeth at any moment. Look at "Mommy Jeh" having to take Shirley Kwan out and clearly give them a warning, otherwise they won't be scared.

Bosco Wong just arrived at TVB City, haven't even put down his bag yet, and already had the urge to smoke! Evergreen Mak is also seen with him later, walking and smoking at the same time. Just looking at the way they hold their cigarettes, we know they are long time smokers.

At first it was just Kevin Cheng and friends taking a smoke break, but later Raymond Wong joins them. Kevin takes out second cigarette for another smoke!

In The Other Truth, we saw an eloquent Ruco Chan, but that day we saw another side of him. He was chatting up a storm with a colleague and smoked several cigarettes during the time.

"Handsomes, meet up together and go get dentures! Perhaps there's a 20% discount!" [Reporter Made up Captions]

Source: Sudden Weekly
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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