Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Benny Chan watches wife through her C-section, gets a 6.6lb baby girl!

Benny Chan, who was previously involved in Rose Chan 'drunk sexual harassment' case, accompanied his wife (Lisa) to the St. Paul's Hospital in Causeway Bay yesterday morning in preparation for the C-section of their baby girl. Before Lisa went into labor, Benny pushed her into the hospital in a wheelchair. Benny appeared quite comfortable pushing his wife, he said: "All packed up! (Going into labor early?) Initially the due date was mid-December, but my baby girl's umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck, so the doctor said its better to get her out early than later. Today is also my wife's birthday, so we chose today. The two Queens will celebrate their birthday together, very special!" Benny's father and mother in-law also accompanied them.

Approximately 1pm, Benny accompanied his wife into the delivery room. Though the labor process wasn't allowed to be captured on video, but Benny personally witnessed his wife under the knife and the blood gushing out. He said he was so frightened, he started shaking.

Until 3:20pm, Benny held a press conference and announced that both mother and daughter are safe, the baby girl is 6.6 pounds and is constantly moving her arms and legs. Benny expressed his daughter's Chinese name is Chan Nga Yu, which was chosen by the elders. Her name means she is knowledgeable and knows her manners. Benny and Lisa will be responsible for the English name, but they do not have any ideas yet. Benny was asked who his daughter resembles more? He said: "When she was just born, she looked like me, but after tidying up, she looks like my wife. I think my wife is just amazing, when I saw her going through the C-section, the blood gushing out and the smell of the laser surgery, I was really frightened, but my wife was so calm. When I saw my daughter come into this world, I cried too." He continued: "That day, I cried too at the press conference, but I want to clarify that my legs weren't feeling weak. Then later the media said I was faking it! (It was rumored you paid Rose Chan HK$1 million to settle the issue?) Today is a very special day, I will talk about it after today ends! (What will you give your wife as a reward?) I will closely be by her side, I'll think about it later!"

After the Rose Chan 'sexual harassment' incident, Benny's image was severely damaged, asked if the incident has affected any of his jobs? He said: "I know have to feed another person in the family, I will need to work harder, but I don't feel like work has been affected! (Did you call your friends and family about the good news?) I called Evergreen Mak and Lam Chi Chung! After the press conference I will call Joe Ma and Timmy Hung. (Your not upset at Joe?) Why would I be? He's my friend!" He reveals he will be going back to Mainland to visit family during his wife's postpartum month.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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