Thursday, November 24, 2011

Benny Chan cries hard: I was really wrong!; Apologizes to Rose Chan hoping for her forgiveness

Yesterday at 4pm, Benny Chan held a press conference accompanied by his 10 month pregnant wife (Lisa) and his manager. Dressed in a black suit and tie, Benny had a desolated expression, while he helped his wife to her seat and showed how good of a husband he is. Soon after, his manager made the opening speech, Benny held onto his wife's hand as he started his confession: "Regarding the unpleasant event that happened to Ms. Rose Chan last week in Hengdian, here I would like to say with all my heart...(big sigh) sorry." Following his apology, Benny did a 90 degree bow.

Then Bowie sat back down and continued: "I admit that day I did drink too much, my actions crossed the line and were inappropriate. Here, I admit that I was really wrong. (becomes emotional and tears forming) I really didn't mean to! (sighs) I didn't mean to hurt Rose. I know the incident, this time, has cause her embarrassment and unhappiness, here I apologize to her loving family and friends. Because of my unintentional mistake, I drank too much and caused so much trouble to her, making people that love her worry and unhappy, here I want to say sorry to them."

Benny stressed he felt regretful after the incident and did not forget to apologize to his wife, family, friends and fans. When he mentioned his family, Benny's tears came running down as he emotionally shouted: "I was really wrong!" At this moment, his wife Lisa, who was initially calm, she started tearing up as well and handed a tissue to her husband. She also patted his back to comfort him.

After sobbing for about 30 seconds, Benny puts away his emotions and continues: "I really regret it, I am an adult and still so playful. I don't know what I can do to compensate for my wrongdoings. The most fortunate is that I got my wife's forgiveness and trust. She gave me the chance to change and start fresh again, (sobs) so I can become a responsible father and husband that is willing to change. From here on, I promise everyone that I will put great effort into quitting drinking. I will go see the doctor and if the doctor feels its necessary for me to go through treatments to quit drinking, I am more than willing to accept. I really want to cut off all relations with alcohol."

Benny said he has already learned a lesson and will reflect on his actions. He apologizes to Rose Chan once again: "I sincerely apologize to Rose Chan again. Please forgive me." Following his apology, Benny stood up once again and bowed. Then he continued: "Finally, I want to apologize to two seniors, one is Rose's mother and Master Sin (Rose' mentor/manager), this incident has really got them heartbroken and upset. I am truly the one to blame, here I send them my deepest apologies, sorry." Benny stood up and bowed for the third time.

When Benny sat back down, Lisa continued the statement, she spoke in Mandarin and pleaded for her husband: "This time, Benny really did acknowledged his mistake, I hope friends present today can give him a second chance because he indeed apologized and promised me (the two looks at each other) to really put in effort to quit drinking. For our baby and I, Benny will work hard on his jobs. I hope everyone will forgive him and I hope Little Rose Chan can forgive Benny. Thank you."

The press conference ended with Lisa's statement. Wonder if Benny was just too emotional, but when he was getting up to leave, his legs were shaky and he just couldn't stop crying. His emotions were out of control, he sobs and shouts: "I am sorry to her!" Benny had to get support from his wife, and even his manager, who was supporting Lisa, switched sides and went to support Benny instead.

When leaving, reporters asked if Rose had any drinks at the time and did she resist? Can he give up his attractions for female charms? Does he feel Joe Ma lacks a sense of brotherhood? Benny just whimpered: "I'm not commenting anymore, sorry!"

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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