Thursday, November 24, 2011

Liza Wang 40 years of services to TVB, hopes to see improvements in employee benefits

The other night Liza Wang attended the evening banquet for the TVB Long Service Awards. Liza is the first TVB artist to be awarded a gold metal for her 40 years of service in TVB. The new member of the TVB Board Chan Kwok Cheung congratulated Liza, but he remained low-key and did not accept an interview.

Liza has been with TVB for 40 years, TVB changed buildings several times and she has also been asked several times to join a different company, but Liza did not bulged. Liza insisted that TVB suits her the best and believes as long as she can do well on her TVB work, there will be other opportunities to earn more money. She said: "I hope TVB improves their employee benefits. This way employees can feel secured and energized." When speaking of 6 Uncle (Sir Run Run) retirement, Liz expressed this is something that will happen someday, 6 Uncle is already very old.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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