Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rose Chan 'seeks to kill' Benny Chan and lets Joe Ma go

According to sources, earlier Rose Chan filed a police report on her sexual harassment case with the HK Police, but because of the judicial system, the HK police can only conduct limited investigations and are unlikely to get enough evidence to press charges on the persons involved (Benny Chan/Joe Ma). Within a day, Sin Kwok Lam (Rose's mentor) filed a report with the Public Security in Mainland and reported to the Hong Kong Court of the allegations against Benny Chan for infringement of bodily integrity. The HK police classified the case as an outside offense, the procedures will start next week. Benny will be meeting with the police next week and may take an oral statement.

No contact of sensitive areas of the body

Yesterday Master Sin and TVB executive Virgina Lok held a joint press conference and attracted nearly 50 reporters to the scene. Virgina said: "After discussing with Master Sin in the past two days and coming to a consensus, many thanks for the understanding and support. Joe Ma just called me, he wanted to thank Master Sin, Rose Chan and her family." Master Sin said Joe admitted he did not handle the incident properly, and did not lend a helping hand. He said: "I asked Rose before, she said at the time Joe pulled her closer because he wanted to comfort her. I asked if she was alright and [learned] his hand did not touch any sensitive part of her body. Joe explained at the time he did have too many drinks and didn't react immediately to offer his help. People makes mistakes, forgive whenever possible. After understanding the truth, [we] will not wrong a good man." Master Sin also said Joe initiated an apology and didn't push the responsibilities. He is sincere, never tried to escape from the incident, didn't borrow Rose Chan to reach a higher level [in his career] and when Rose was feeling down, he showed his understanding and tolerance.

Does not forgive Benny Chan

However, Master Sin insists on 'biting tightly' on Benny Chan and won't let him go. He is furious when he saw Benny Chan and his manager on Weibo not admitting to the [inappropriate] acts done on Rose. They pushed the responsibility and pun was intended in their language. Master Sin was asked if he forgives Benny? He said: "His behavior and actions were inappropriate. This is clearly a serious matter, the laws are on the ground and he still pushed away the responsibility. He is morally wrong! (Benny's press conference didn't touch you?) A lot of it was to conceal a fault. His entire speech was written on paper, even the several bows he did was written out on paper, the answer is in the heart! His so-called apology, he was not honest since the incident happened. First he said he didn't touch Rose, then he explained he had 'good hospitality', then he pushed away the responsibility, saying he has to be wiser when meeting people and finally he said someone is borrowing him to get up top, that the more popular someone is, the more gossips there will be! I cannot see his sincerity at all! I will not consider his so-called apology." Asked about the earlier police report, which one of them was the accusations directed upon? He said: "We are just speaking the truth. Whoever is sued, the Department of Justice will decide. I don't think Joe Ma will be sued."

As for Rose Chan's press conference, in which she mentioned "The two seniors turned to a totally different person", Sin Kwok Lam explained: "Cute suddenly turns into a wolf. Why wouldn't a modest noble offer his helping hand? Hopes turned into disappointment, so that's why she said that, because she had really good impression on these two before, but suddenly they turned into this."

Regrets slapping Rose and calling her stupid

Master Sin exposed he questioned Rose as to why she was often seen with Benny and Joe at the nightclubs, to such an extent as to giving others the opportunity [to harm her], but Rose couldn't answer. He said: "I kept pursuing the questions on her, girls should always maintain her distance even if she knows the person well. I slapped her once on the face and called her stupid. I only did that because I care about her. I still haven't apologized to her yet." It was rumored they received a 'shut up order', Master Sin expressed there is no such thing.

When speaking of Rose Chan being involved in Timmy Hung and Janet Chow's relationship, Master Sin urged the media to stop making up stories. He said he also received an apologetic SMS from Timmy: "He is my nephew (TN: not an actual nephew), Sammo Hung is a respected big brother of mines. Timmy didn't protect Rose knowing that he (Benny) had a history of this and didn't warn her! For his father and himself, he should keep away from these friends."

It was rumored Joe Ma and his wife are having some issues in their marriage. Virgina said Joe's wife already went to Mainland to accompany and support her husband. Master Sin sent a message: "His wife put in a great deal of effort, he really has to cherish the present and his family." Asked if the incident has caused any impact on Joe and TVB's relationship? Virgina said: "Two separate issues. The urgent priority now is to settle this case. Artists who are not in HK should not get too comfortable, still have to put the guards up and defend. You can drink, but you may not get drunk. Rose Chan is a very simple girl, hope she'll be ok soon and can get back into her work."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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