Saturday, November 26, 2011

Virginia Lok and Sin Kwok Lam: “Joe Ma Did Not Sexually Harass Rose Chan!”

Rose Chan’s (陳嘉桓) martial arts sifu, Sin Kwok Lam (冼國林), and TVB executive, Virginia Lok held a press conference today regarding Benny Chan (陳浩民) and Joe Ma’s (馬德鐘) alleged sexual harassment of Rose Chan in Hengdian, China. At the press conference, Sin Kwok Lam cleared Joe’s involvement in the incident. Sin Sifu noted that he will not press charges against Joe Ma and expressed his forgiveness.

After Sin Sifu sought further understanding of the harassment incident, it was understood that Joe was not in contact with Rose’s private regions [which was unclear from the tabloid photos published]. Allegedly, Joe only asked Rose whether she needed help.

As to whether a police report will be filed in mainland China over the harassment incident, Sin Kwok Lam will confer with legal counsel in China before making a decision. Since the Hong Kong police were already alerted, who will be charged over the harassment of Rose Chan? Sin Sifu indicated that Rose described the incident to the police as it had occurred. It will be up to the Attorney General as to who will be charged.

Sin Kwok Lam Continues to Blast Benny Chan

Although Sin Sifu forgave Joe ma, he continued to blast Benny Chan due to his lack of sincerity in his first apology over the incident. Sin Sifu pointed out that Benny had initially claimed he did not commit any wrongdoings, while noting that he needed to be careful who he met with, implying that Rose had hinged on the harassment incident for publicity.

Sin Sifu had asked Rose why she had attended dinner and karaoke with the men, upon which Rose could not supply an answer. Sin Sifu slapped Rose and scolded her, “You are plain stupid (死蠢)!”

Joe Ma’s Good Name Cleared

After the sexual harassment incident broke out, Joe Ma had noted on his blog that he intended to donate money to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, which led to netizens’ backlash [that Joe was donating money to charity to clear his misconduct]. At the press conference, Sin Sifu cleared Joe’s intention and revealed that Joe had attempted to contact him through various means after the incident. One of the people who contacted Sin Sifu on behalf of Joe Ma was the Chairman of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. When the harassment incident occurred, Joe had consulted with the Chairman of Tung Wah and asked how to resolve the matter, upon which the Chairman advised him to donate money to the hospital. This led to misunderstanding that Joe had attempted to donate money to clear his involvement in the incident.

Asked whether Joe’s marriage was on the rocks, Virginia Lok noted, “Joe Ma’s wife is very supportive and currently in Hengdian accompanying him.” Sin Sifu noted that Joe’s wife had contacted him as well. Sin Sifu urged Joe to cherish his wife.

Joe Ma Thanks Sin Kwok Lam in Clearing His Name

Currently filming in Hengdian, Joe Ma met with the mainland press in China last night. Joe thanked Sin Kwok Lam, Virginia Lok, TVB, his wife, his friends, and fans for their support. Regarding recent divorce rumors, Joe said, “They are just rumors!” Asked whether his wife was currently in Hengdian accompanying his filming, Joe did not respond.

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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