Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eason Chan Taunts Leo Ku, Joey Yung, and Raymond Lam Over Undeserved JSG Music Wins

The new generation of “Music God,” Eason Chan (陳奕迅), taunted EEG artists, Leo Ku (古巨基), Joey Yung (容祖兒), and Raymond Lam’s (林峯) recent Jade Solid Gold music awards. Appearing at RTHK’s “Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Awards” ceremony, Eason Chan mocked Leo Ku for not possessing the ability to compete with him, sparking Leo and Eason’s fans in an angry flame war in online discussion forums!

Once frozen by EEG and eventually leaving on an unpleasant note, Eason blasted his “godly” powers towards Joey Yung, Leo Ku and “Chok King” Raymond Lam. In an interview, Eason pondered whether Leo Ku possessed the ability to pose as a strong competitor. Eason’s interview clip quickly became viral and was forwarded widely among netizens.

Taunting Leo Ku

In the interview clip, Eason at first appeared to be in lively spirits. The reporter asked Eason about Leo Ku no longer accepting music awards. Eason replied in heavily accented Mandarin, “No, that’s not true. He said they were only rumors. What a nuisance that I have answer questions for him! Between him and I…I will only curiously ask him…and then…that’s it!” (Are you afraid that you will have one less strong competitor?) Eason asked the reporter back, “A very strong competitor?” (What do you think?) Eason once again countered, “What do you think? Do you think that he is my strong competitor? Do you think that Leo Ku is my strong competitor?” Upon seeing no response from the reporter, Eason said, "Okay, see!"

Eason Said Joey Yung Was Still Far From His Standing

Eason also taunted Joey Yung. At the RTHK celebration dinner on Saturday night, Eason was asked whether he will compare the number of awards he won versus Joey won this year. Eason replied, “It’s not that I wish to compare with her; she wants to compare with me! I am now a Chinese Dora singer now and awards are no longer important. We are talking about the international status of being a singer. The distance from Mr. Lau (Andy Lau 劉德華) and Mr. Cheung (Jacky Cheung 張學友) is now closer!

At the Jade Solid Gold Music Awards celebration party, Joey countered Eason’s remarks by calling him the “King of Trashy Movies” (爛片王).

Making Fun of Raymond Lam

After jabbing at Joey and the conclusion of the 2011 JSG Music Awards, Eason posted a photo of himself on his blog. In the photo, Eason held a former JSG trophy and wore a chok expression, “Chok-ing for several minutes, I cannot wait for a feature article!” Eason taunted Raymond Lam for winning JSG’s “Most Popular Male Singer in Asia-Pacific Award,” for three consecutive years and pulling an upset victory for the “Top Golden Melody Award” for his song, Chok.

EEG’s Response

EEG executive, Mani Fok, noted that she was colleagues with Eason Chan for several years while he was at the company, thus understood his playful personality. Mani said, “It’s fine to play around. However from a manger’s perspective, I felt a little bit uncomfortable after watching the interview clip. I am not angry, just a little bit uneasy.”

Eason Chan: “It Was a Misunderstanding!”

Eason was currently in the hospital undergoing knee surgery. Through his manager, Eason replied, “Those questions were posed by the reporter, thus I asked the same questions back. No one answered my questions, thus the situation turned out that way. I was definitely not taunting Leo Ku. I do not have anything against him. Everyone always used Leo and I to generate rumors. I am bored of these rumors! The music industry is not like this; I never felt the need to stir any trouble!” Eason emphasized, “I do not have any enemies!”

Eason’s manager, Chan Ka Ying said, “He was only playing! He is a playful star! He is friends with Leo Ku; they are in the same line where they are willing to dedicate themselves to the music industry!” Regarding EEG’s Mani Fok feeling uneasy after watching Eason’s interview clip, Eason’s manager said, “Aiya! I will have to call Mani!”

Eason Chan Taunts Leo Ku Video Clip

Source: Apple Daily
Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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