Friday, January 6, 2012

MCI 2012: Rebecca Zhu & Lam Ka Bing competes to be 'Pirated Fala Chen'

(Left: #5 Lam Ka Bing; Right: #26 Rebecca Zhu)

#2 Choi Kin Ping

#22 Wong Yuet Yung

#13 Yu Man Hong

Yesterday Miss Chinese International Pageant 2012's 28 contestants met the press. The contestants all appeared in a deep V low-cut dress. Although Miss HK 2011 Rebecca Zhu (#26) possesses the home ground, her figure was clearly defeated by Choi Kin Ping (#2), Yu Man Hong (#13) and Wong Yuet Yung (#22). The three of them showed off their career lines and stole the limelight.

Miss HK 2011, Rebecca Zhu, didn't make a breakthrough in the press conference yesterday, but she did not lose her confidence. She believes all of the MCI contestants are winner candidates. When speaking of her body figure being no match for her opponents? Rebecca said: "Each individual has a different opinion. Bigger, smaller, or in the middle can all be considered beautiful. I don't mind if people say I'm big or small." Regarding Lam Ka Bing (#5) and Rebecca's looks resembling Fala Chen? Rebecca said: "I didn't notice before, but now that everyone is saying that I become aware. After all, I will do my best in this competition."

Lam Ka Bing (#5) admitted some people have praised that she looked like Fala Chen before, but she doesn't know if this is a good or bad thing. However, there is only one Fala Chen, nobody can replace her. Comparing Rebecca and herself, who looks more like Fala? She expressed she does not have any comments, but to be able to catch attention is a pretty good thing.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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