Monday, January 2, 2012

TVB celebrates Wu Fung's 80th birthday through a special show

On January 18th, veteran actor Wu Fung celebrates his 80th birthday. Yesterday TVB recorded a special birthday show 80 Years of Life Awesome [Wu] Fung Show. Wu Fung's good friends Lee Heung Kam, Ha Yu, Tam Ping Man and others were present to show their support. Godsons Jacky Cheung and Leon Lai were unable to attend due to work.

It was Norman Leung's first day as TVB's new Executive Deputy Chairman. He especially took out his wallet to purchase fresh roses and champagne to celebrate with Wu Fung. Norman expressed it is a double meaningful day for him because it is the first time he attended a public event as the Executive Deputy Chairman and it's also a day to celebrate Wu Fung's 80th birthday. He expressed Wu Fung had contributed a lot over the many years he's been with TVB and has been a devoted employee with good health despite his age.

In superb mood, Wu Fung was very pleased by the arrangements. When asked what his birthday wish was? He expressed: "I am already satisfied to have gained the care by the heavens. If I have any more extravagant hopes, I would be considered too greedy. I am very pleased with my current life now!" Wu Fung was grateful for his grandson for preparing a party for him and give him the chance to meet with his old friends. On the day of his birthday, he hopes to spend it peacefully.

Wu Fung was also very understanding towards his godson Jacky Cheung's absence. He said: "He is in Macau now and can't make it, but there are other godsons and god daughters here to celebrate with me, I am just as happy!"

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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