Sunday, January 8, 2012

JSG Best Ten Music Awards Presentation 2011 Results

Last night, TVB's JSG Best Ten Music Awards Presentation 2011 unveiled the last report card in the music scene. Although the Big 4 royalty disputes are over, Eason Chan, Hacken Lee, Kay Tse and the other singers were unable to make it on the JSG charts in time to be part of the awards. Last night, the Big 4 singers won nothing. Also, Miriam Yeung had no contract with TVB, so under the situation of no competitors, Leo Ku and Joey Yung successfully crowned Music King and Queen once again. Joey and Raymond Lam were the big winners of the night with a total of 4 awards.

This is Joey's 7th time getting the 'Most Popular Female Singer Award' and holds a strong record in history. When Joey got the award from her award presenter, Hacken Lee, she said excitedly: "Wah! Hacken Lee, you came back. I'm very happy to get this award from you!"

Leo won 2 awards including the 'Most Popular Male Singer Award'. He is now tied with record holder Alam Tam (1984-1987) for the award, both got it 4 times. Leo announced before that he will no longer get any awards, he said thankfully: "I really like working with music. I put in my best effort each year and hope to show all the hard work we have done in the award ceremonies. However, in the last two years, we are often more concerned of who is competing with who or which companies are wrestling and less focus is given on the hard work of us singers. I started feeling distinct from participating in award ceremonies, but I see my colleagues get excited on their achievements. Each year at fan gatherings, I would take my award with me and take pictures with the fans, I see how happy my fans are, so I know awards are still very important."

Raymond won the 'Asia-Pacific (Male)' award for the third time and the 'Gold Song Gold Award' - CHOK for the first time. As TVB executive Virgina Lok's favorite, Raymond did not forget to thank her: "Thanks to TVB for raising me and thank you Miss Lok for trusting me so much." The 'Asia-Pacific (Female)' award unexpectedly fell on Ivana Wong's hands for the first time. She said wholeheartedly on stage: "I have been making music with my heart and soul all along. I debuted 7 years ago and have carried this heart since then. I never thought of any awards, but at this moment, I really want to thank TVB. If there is anyone out there that feels I need to work harder, I promise you all I can take up the responsibility and be the singer who gets this award."

Winners List

Top 10 Gold Song Award
01. Grasshopper - 華麗舞台 (Glamorous Stage)
02. C AllStar - 天梯 (Ladder to Heaven)
03. Ivana Wong - 水百合 (Water Lily)
04. Raymond Lam - CHOK
05. Edmond Leung - 一再問究竟 (Ask Again What's Happening)
06. Joey Yung - 花千樹 (Flower Thousand Tree)
07. Leo Ku - 爆了 (Explode)
08. Jade Kwan - 仍然 (Still)
09. Chilam Cheung - 戀上外星人 (Fall For An Alien)
10. Charlene Choi - 年年 (Years)

Most Popular Mandarin Song Award
Gold: Twins - 3650
Silver: Raymond Lam - 讓我愛你一小時 (Let Me Love You For One Hour)
Bronze: Joey Yung - 最後情人 (Last Lover)

Most Popular Commercial Song Award:
Gold: Joey Yung - 澎湃 (Surge)
Silver: HotCha - 素顏假期 (Holiday Makeup)
Bronze: Mag Lam - 非凡 (Unusual)

Newcomer Impact Award: Sita Chan

Most Popular Male Newcomer:
Gold: Alfred Hui
Silver: Terry Zou
Bronze: RedNoon

Most Popular Female Newcomer:
Gold: Mag Lam
Silver: Joyce Cheng
Bronze: Abella Leung

Most Popular Group Award:
Gold: Grasshopper
Silver: C AllStar
Bronze: RubberBand

2011 Most Outstanding Performer Awards
Gold: Jonathan Wong
Silver: Wong Cho Lam
Bronze: Ella Koon

Most Popular Duet Award:
Gold: Jason Chung/Karene Mak - 勾手指尾 (Hook Shot Pinky)
Silver: Ken Hung/Sherman Chung - 傻瓜 (Silly)
Bronze: Barry Ip/Tak Dik 辣著生命 (Heat Up Life)

Most Popular Adapted Song Award: Mag Lam - 鳥籠 (Bird Cage)
Gold Song Gold Award: Raymond Lam - CHOK

Most Popular Male Singer Award: Leo Ku
Most Popular Female Singer Award: Joey Yung

Asia-Pacific Most Popular HK Male Singer Award: Raymond Lam
Asia-Pacific Most Popular HK Female Singer Award: Ivana Wong

Behind-The-Scenes Awards:

Best Composer: Deal Chong, Tang Chi Wai - CHOK
Best Lyricist: Wyman Wong - 花千樹 (Flower Thousand Trees)
Best Arrangement: Alex Fung@ the Invisible Men - 水百合 (Water Lily)
Best Song Producer: Harris Ho, Grasshopper - 華麗舞台 (Glamorous Stage)

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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