Sunday, January 1, 2012

TVB couples, rumored and on-screen couples attend New Year's 2012 Countdown shows

**** Artists at New Years 2012 countdown events...

Moses & Aimee publicly dating, pocketing HK$250,000

Moses Chan and Aimee Chan attended a countdown event together and appeared as a very loving couple publicly on stage. Attending a New Year's countdown event as a couple, earns them a high salary of HK$250,000. It's no wonder Moses was so happy that he did everything a couple does -- holding hands, embracing and other intimate actions. Moses frankly said he is very happy to be able to work with his girlfriend. He also expressed his mother is present at the event to support them. When asked what his mother's impression on Aimee is? He said: "She's quite pleased! (Getting married this year?) Take it slowly!" Aimee sweetly smiled: "I am very happy to participate in an event with Ah Mo. (How does your brother feel about his future brother-in-law?) My brother had dinner with Ah Mo earlier and toured HK. However, I won't talk about the details!"

Bosco & Myolie working just 5 minutes away from one another

Meanwhile, Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong coincidentally appeared in the Tsuen Wan district for two separate countdown events, they were only 5 minutes away from one another! Myolie said: "We didn't deliberately set this up, but we may meet up later tonight. (Do you want to make money as a couple team?) It's enjoyable, I am not expensive." On the other side, Bosco quickly expressed: "We shall be the Lunar New Year couple team!"

Tavia Yeung and Joesph Cheng attended the New Year's countdown party in Tsuen Wan Plaza. First time participating in a countdown show in HK, Joesph denied the appearance money is higher in HK than Taiwan. Tavia was very happy that her appearance money for a countdown show is higher than last year. As for attending shows with Him Law as a couple team? She asked reporters back: "Does he know how to sing? I don't think so! Whether if we can be a couple team or not, I don't mind."

Kate Tsui's unsuccessful blind date

Another pair, rumored couple Ron Ng and Kate Tsui were at Sunshine City Plaza for a New Year's countdown show. Kate exposed her family is anxious about her relationships and made arrangements for her to go on a blind date. Unfortunately, it did not work out, but she hopes to seek a good man in 2012. Ron avoided to talk about relationship, he just said work is his priority and he will work hard to make enough money to buy a home.

Fala Chen ditches boyfriend during New Year's countdown

Also present at Sunshine City Plaza was on-screen couple Michael Tse and Fala Chen. Michael's recent income has been very ideal, and is planning to purchase a 1,000sqft luxury home. However, he will first have to see if he has enough money for the down payment.

Fala and her boyfriend (Sit Sai Hang) spent the holidays in the US together and just returned to HK. She said her New Year's wish is for good health and to reduce her rumors. Since Fala had to work the other night, her boyfriend just had to countdown to New Year's alone at home with her cat. He waited for her to get home before celebrating.

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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