Sunday, January 8, 2012

Raymond Lam happy to recommend Kevin Cheng into EEG

Earlier Kevin Cheng was said to have secretly met with EEG executive to sign a contract, but because Raymond Lam established himself a stable position in the company, he tried to stop Kevin from entering EEG. Kevin was forced to ask his partner Myolie Wu, who is currently under Neway Star, to help him get into Neway and fulfill his singer dream. The other night Raymond attended RTHK's music awards and was asked about the rumor. He laughed out loud and cracked a joke in his response: "Why would that be?! This report is pretty funny! Do I look like a mean person?"

Later Raymond said seriously that in the past when he went to karaoke, he would definitely choose Kevin's songs. He said aside from their relationship being TVB colleagues, they are also good brothers. In the past, they were both students of the late music teacher Dai Si Chung. All along, Raymond had thought Kevin was already with a record company, but now he knows he's not. Raymond expressed if there really is interest to invite Kevin into EEG, he would personally recommend him as well.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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