Monday, January 9, 2012

Jessica Hsuan rumored 'hard to deal with', Lawrence Ng: Which actress isn't!

FaDan Jessica Hsuan has been said to be 'difficult to deal with' as she gets on bad terms with almost all of her co-stars in every series she's in. The most classic case was back when she was shooting Old Time Buddy in 1997, she was rumored to have had a 'you die, I live' relationship with Maggie Cheung. More recently was the shooting of Curse of the Royal Harem, where the hot topic was Jessica's battle for more screen time with co-star Myolie Wu and got on bad terms with her. Jessica even boycotted Myolie when she invited the rest of the cast to eat at the canteen without her. Lately, Jessica switched over to the Mainland market and has been shooting new drama Xiangzi's Story - New City People with Lawrence Ng and the rumors broke again. Just stepped into the year 2012 and Jessica is already troubled by gossips.

No Show at the End-of-Filming Celebration

A few days ago, Xiangzi' Story held a ceremony for the filming completion, lead actors Wang Zhao Xiang and Lawrence Ng both attended, but lead actress Jessica Hsuan was absent. When the lead actors explained Jessica's absence, they were not on the same page. Wang said Jessica was too busy to attend because she's wrapping up with the final scenes shooting, whereas Lawrence expressed she isn't feeling well because of the rushed filming in the last few days. When asked why their explanations were different? Lawrence claimed: "I just heard what others were saying."

Recommend to marry a Shanghai Man

During the celebration, Wang criticized Jessica in his every word. He said Jessica behaves firmly towards others: "She's a big star though! After all, she will give you an extremely abundant reason and won't allow you to disagree." Wang also recommended Jessica to marry a man from Shanghai: "Because she is rather strong and Shanghai men can cook, not as strong!" The comment indirectly implies that Jessica dislikes the food the crew cooks and that she's bossy.

As for Lawrence, he defended his old partner and clarified Jessica is just too 'unrestrained' in her behavior: "Artists possess an artist's temper. Successful women are 'Big Women'. Ada Choi is considered a 'Big Woman' as well." Later, he accepted an interview over the phone and strongly defended Jessica once again, that she has never been late to work or showed a black face. When speaking of the rumor that she's hard to deal with? He had an opinion to express: "Actually, is there any actress not hard to deal with! (Wang criticized Jessica?) I'm not sure of how they interact, but the crew's food is indeed not good at all. I go out to eat myself." Lawrence also exposed Jessica often buys lunch-boxes.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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