Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tony Leung Chiu Wai would donate wishes to spread love

Tony Leung Chiu Wai's EAGLE SHOOTING HEROES (DUNG SING SAI JAU) Aladdin look appeared again on the screen. In Middle Eastern costume he in THE GREAT MAGICIAN (DAI MOR SHOOK SI) rode a flying carpet, played with fire and even charmed a snake. Wai Jai even joked that if the magic lamp was real, he would transfer all the wishes to those in need so even more people would receive love.

When asked if he had the magic lamp's power, how he would use his wishes, Wai Jai without hesitation would donate the wishes. "We are already blessed with food and clothing. If I can I would donate all the wishes to fulfill the dreams of those in need. Like in the movie, being able to bring joy to those in the audience is something that is worth me doing." In this scene, Wai Jai flew, played with fire and charmed a snake. Wai Jai said that flying freely was one of his dreams. "Being able to fly in the sky is a huge joy in life. Being able to fly in a movie, I already considered the wish fulfilled." Also, Wai Jai even played with fire in the film. He said that the audience saw a seemingly simple fire trick that actually took a lot of time and effort. "In general magic is rather low risk, but fire can do bodily harm. Thus its operation requires care. In the film I even made a big fire ball. Everyone could feel its power from the screen."

Children surrounded Ching Wan in the audience. With several dozen children around him, Ching Wan joked that he was so dizzy that he was seeing stars. When asked when he would have his own, he joked that he was already a "big kid" and was afraid that with a child the home might be turned upside down.

Source: Takungpao, on.cc
Translated by: hktopten
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