Thursday, January 5, 2012

Eddie Cheung and Kiki Sheung embrace to celebrate the sitcom high ratings

Eddie Cheung and Kiki Sheung were rumored on bad terms earlier. Yesterday the two attended the high rating celebration for TVB sitcom Til Love Do Us Lie (TLDUL) with the other cast such as Joyce Tang and Hanjin Tan. At the celebration, Eddie and Kiki proved the rumors false through action, by embracing each other and raising their champagne glasses towards one another. The cast and crew celebrated the high rating peak of 34 points (average 30 points). According to the news, the sitcom is set for 120 episodes and shooting will complete in March. For now, there are no plans to add more episodes.

Eddie was very pleased with the high 34 point peak rating and modestly expressed the success is all due to team work. Eddie has not received news on adding more episodes to TLDUL, but right now he's discussing plans for a new film and may not have time on his schedule to continue shooting in March. Eddie said with a smile he is staying in HK to shoot the sitcom, so it's difficult to avoid separation with his family. Additionally, he is currently very busy with the shoot as he has to work 7 days a week, fortunately his family hasn't complained.

Kiki's contract with TVB expires in September, and she is still considering if she should renew or not because she wants to spend more time with her husband and to rest. She doesn't really want to sign and be stuck with one company. Kiki expressed she is currently declining to any new series, but if TLDUL gets more episodes, she will consider.

Joyce was initially worried the holiday season will drag the ratings down, but fortunately the sitcom was a success despite the holidays. Aside from being happy and surprised, she also hopes TLDUL will get more episodes. Hanjin Tan will be holding a concert after this, and earlier he had already gave out tickets to the cast and crew, but everyone declined to accept his tickets. It was because everyone wanted to purchase the tickets with their own money to show their support for him.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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