Sunday, January 1, 2012

Miriam Yeung formally announces: We will be parents soon!

Since the exposure of Miriam Yeung and Real Ting's marriage in Las Vegas in 2009, Real has been desperate to be a father and so the couple had been working hard to make a baby. After doing physical exams and research on how to conceive, the couple finally made a successful attempt. Earlier Miriam announced her long vacation after she completed her concert. Since then, it was rumored she's taking the time off because of her pregnancy. Now that Miriam has passed 3 months in her pregnancy, and since yesterday was the first day of 2012, Miriam announced through her manager the good news of her pregnancy.

Currently at home resting and waiting to be a mother, Miriam sent a photo of her and her husband to the media. In the photo, both husband and wife were dressed in black and only the top half of Miriam was seen. She happily announced: "Today we step into the first day of the new year. I want to take advantage of this day to share some good news that my husband and I have. We will be mother and father soon!" Miriam also announced the good news to the world on Weibo: "No champagne, no screams, no loud music on New Year's Eve, but 2011 was a very happy year with lots of surprises. In the classic 2012, we will soon be welcoming a third family member into this world."

According to Miriam's manager, Miriam's concert tour will be pushed back due to her pregnancy. However, if her body allows, she will be resuming work in February for a new film. Miriam is also grateful of the advertisement companies for their toleration and that she will get back to work soon.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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