Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nicholas Tse: She's the mother of my sons after all

Although Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung ended their 5 year marriage, the two are still raising their sons Lucas and Quintus together. Since the two have personal experiences of growing up in a family with divorced family, they never wanted their children to follow their footsteps. According to sources, after the cool down period, Nic and Cecilia's relationship started becoming better. Yesterday it was reported that a family photo was found on Facebook that belong to Mike, a Feng Shui Master and good friend of the couple.

After the meeting with Mike, Cecilia and oldest son (Lucas), Nic appeared yesterday at 10am coming out of his residence. The sleepy Nic waved to the reporters waiting outside of his residence, and when asked if his relationship with Cecilia is getting better? Nic joked: "Our relationship had always been bad!" Reporters were shocked to hear this and asked: "How can that be? You just had a family photo with the Feng Shui master friend!" Nic then patted one of the reporters back and pretended to have lost his memory: "I'm very sleepy."

Later, Nic arrived at the airport and was chased by reporters again. When reporters asked again about the reconciliation rumors: "Just now you answered the relationship was 'bad', are you joking with us?" After asking several more times and reporters being persistent, Nic finally said: "Well, she is the mother of my children after all. Why wouldn't we see each other? That's all I'm going to say." He met his friend Mike because of the New Years, but did he also invite Cecilia to join them? Nic answered: "If I see her, then I see her. I really didn't know he (Mike) would post the photo online, just leave it, I can't be upset too much."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Raymond Wong & Niki Chow hosts a feast to reward Producer Lee Tim Shing

Niki Chow and Raymond Wong hosted a feast in Causeway Bay to reward the cast and crew of TVB series Bottled Passion. Producer Lee Tim Shing and artists Elaine Yiu, Tracy Ip, Katy Kung, Jack Wu and Kelvin Chan attended. As the series is in the 'PK broadcast period' (in the ashes), where the broadcast coincides with several holidays, the average ratings is only 25-26 points. Tim Gor was very upset by how TVB haven't given him much attention, but he still appeared at the dinner gathering last night.

Regarding this, Tim Gor smiled and said he was not upset: "It's just a small issue, this broadcast period really doesn't have too many viewers, Christmas, Lunar New Years and Easter periods also have less people watching, but there will still be series releasing. Since I'm the chosen one, my path is chosen as well. I've experienced this many times in the last many years that I've been working in this industry."

Despite the 'PK period', Niki and Raymond are still filled with confidence on the 2 hour finale to broadcast on Monday. The two both hope to break 30 points in the ratings. Niki said: "Tim Gor said this broadcast period isn't good, but that's okay. I always hear viewers talk about the series, most important is to have the public response, more people watching." Niki also supports Tim Gor by describing him as a straightforward person.

Raymond felt the broadcast time is out of artists control: "I'm not sure if Tim Gor is upset, but luckily the series is getting good response, I'm am personally very happy."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Francis Ng confirmed to be in Triumph in the Skies II for HK$80,000 per episode

2003 TVB anniversary series Triumph in the Skies was a highly acclaimed series. TVB had always wanted to shoot a sequel, but couldn't bring back 'Sam Gor' Francis Ng. This year at the TVB Anniversary Awards, Francis was the guest award presenter for the Best Actress award. When Myolie Wu took the award, she tearfully urged her senior to accept Triumph in the Skies II and hoped her sincerity will touch Francis.

The fresh out of the oven TV Queen, Myolie Wu, strongly tried to persuade Francis to shoot the sequel and even expressed her request to the executives. Once the TV Queen opens her mouth, big boss Chan Kwok Keung personally called Francis and invited him back.

To show their sincerity, TVB offered Francis HK$80,000 per episode to come back to his maternal home and be the handsome pilot Sam Gor again.

On Wednesday (12/28th), Myolie did not hesitate to tell [Sudden Weekly]: "Although my salary for shooting series is fixed, if Francis agrees to be in TITS2, I really don't mind if my salary gets reduced because the whole cast and crew wants him back. With Francis and Chilam Cheung here, it is the best!"

Regarding Francis's return for HK$80,000 per episode, Virgina Lok admitted Francis is already part of the confirmed cast: "The sequel will start shooting in May. We are currently marking Francis' schedule, but there are still many things that are unconfirmed. We don't even know who the producer is yet. (Myolie and TVB big boss came out to persuade Francis to come back?) I'm not telling!"

TVB plans to make TITS2 the anniversary series of 2012, with two handsome lead actors, will Myolie have a higher chance to become TV Queen for the second time?

Current development

- Myolie's role turns disable and she'll be shooting in a wheel chair. Raymond Lam replaces Francis as her new boyfriend. To Myolie, her role is already considered refreshing.
- Ron Ng and Bosco Wong are still not confirmed to be in this series yet.
- Chilam Cheung and Fala Chen, are the new pair added to the cast.

Source: Sudden Weekly, TVB Channel
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

For TVB Series “Bottled Passion”, The Biggest ‘Attraction’ Is Not The Male Or Female Lead

How long has it been since we’ve seen Niki Chow (周麗淇) in a TVB series? If we recount the last TVB series she was in, it should be modern series “The King of Snooker” from 2 years ago. This time around, seeing her in TVB’s currently airing series “Bottled Passion”, one can’t help but have a ‘long time no see’ feeling. What hasn’t changed is that Niki still gives people a feeling of ‘freshness’.

Not that long ago, the onscreen couple of Niki Chow and Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) attracted many a viewer to their television screens, to the point that it seemed to be only when the two of them were paired together that the series would be especially good to watch. This time around, in “Bottled Passion”, the male lead paired with Niki is Raymond Wong (黄浩然) – a face that has appeared in quite a few TVB series in recent years. This new pairing definitely has a certain ‘freshness’ to it – in terms of looks, Raymond may not be considered the ‘stunningly handsome’ type, but overall, he fits the tastes of most female audiences; as for Niki, since she doesn’t appear often in TVB series, she is bound to garner the attention of audiences who find her appearance in a series refreshing.

The series’ Chinese title was originally《大话情人》[“The Lying Lover”] and was later changed to 《我的如意狼君》[literally translated as ‘My Ideal Wolf Husband’] – one can’t help but praise the wisdom of changing the title, as it brings a more ‘enchanting’ aspect to the series. Even though the cast arrangement in this series may not be considered ‘all-star’, a particular name associated with the series is sure to resound loudly with audiences: ‘golden’ producer Lee Tim Sing (李添勝). Indeed, Tim Gor’s series are generally well worth watching, as the plot is fast-paced and the story-telling effect is strong, which often evokes in audiences the desire to ‘chase’ each episode – each time, he incorporates just enough ‘tension’ in the series to draw audiences in and the more they watch, the more ‘flavorful’ the series gets. It definitely would not be an exaggeration to say that the biggest ‘attraction’ to the series “Bottled Passion” is not the male or female lead, but rather the producer Lee Tim Sing. In almost every episode (usually at the end), there is a climactic moment – this seems to be a unique characteristic in most of Tim Gor’s series. From “Rosy Business” and “No Regrets” to “A Fistful of Stances”, which of his series does not lead the audiences by their noses and evoke a dedicated following? Even with “Bottled Passion” airing in the dreaded post-Anniversary ‘cannon fodder’ timeslot, there is no way to hide the inherent ‘well worth watching’ nature of the series.

In terms of the acting, the character of ‘Tung Boon Seen’ that Raymond Wong portrays in “Bottled Passion” is quite a departure from the mostly ‘simple and honest’ type characters he portrayed in the past. His character in the series is quite complex and can best be described as a ‘semi-villain with the intrinsic qualities of a good-natured person’ – an almost perfect illustration of the expression “guys who aren’t bad, women won’t love them” [男人不壞, 女人不爱]. This seemingly ‘bad’ guy toys with women’s hearts in order to fulfill his plans for revenge against a particular family, but yet at the same time, his genuine concern and insistence on finding his childhood friend ‘Ngau Nai Tong’ [‘Milk Candy’] evokes feelings of sympathy and affection. Towards this ‘conflicted’ and ‘contradictory’ character, audiences will naturally feel both love and hate, though for most, they probably cannot bring themselves to hate him. It’s obvious that Raymond Wong put a lot of effort into portraying this character, as his emotional scenes came across very sincere and meticulous. At times, it even seemed like he was acting with his eyes, as the emotion that his tear-filled eyes conveyed in certain scenes had the effect of momentarily taking the focus away from everything else going on in those scenes.

As for the female lead character of Tsui Sum, her forthright personality suits Niki Chow well – in fact, it can be said that the character is an easy and familiar one for her. Also, her naturally refreshing look is a welcome departure from the heavy makeup and costumes that audiences have been exposed to in recent series. In short, her character is the type that is generally pleasing to audiences.

Source: / Nam Fong Daily News
Translated by: llwy12 @ AsianFanatics

Friday, December 30, 2011

TVB Series Special (01 Jan 2012 to 03 Jan 2012, Updated)

Do take note of the following changes for this & next week (TVB Series Special):

01 January 2012 (Sunday)

TVB "When Heaven Burns 天與地" (2 Hours Special) (Final Episode)
9.00pm to 11.00pm

02 January 2012 (Monday)

TVB "Bottled Passion 我的如意狼君" (2 Hours Special) (Final Episode)
8.30pm to 10.30pm

03 January 2012 (Tuesday)

TVB "Til Love Do Us Lie 結.分@謊情式"
Episode 45
Every Monday to Friday
8.00pm to 8.30pm

TVB "Wish and Switch 換樂無窮"
Episode 01 (Debut)
Every Monday to Friday
8.30pm to 9.30pm

TVB "L'Escargot 缺宅男女"
Episode 01 (Debut)
Every Monday to Friday
9.30pm to 10.30pm

Source: tvb @ YouTube &
Translated by: Admin @ TVB News World

Maggie Siu's secret marriage: "Talk about it at press conference"; 'The Great Eunuch' blessing ceremony

Experienced actor Wayne Lai, Maggie Siu, Michelle Yim and Aimee Chan were at the blessing ceremony for TVB new costume drama The Great Eunuch set in the Qing Dynasty. Initially Michelle withdrew from her role as 'Empress Dowager Cixi' due to schedule conflicts and Maggie Cheung replaced her for the Sales Presentation shooting. However, after a few twist and turns, the role lands back on Michelle once again. Despite all that, the limelight could not leave Maggie Siu as she is rumored to have secretly married martial arts actor, Vinz Sze Cho Lam!

Maggie Siu, who plays Empress Dowager Ci'an, did not directly respond to the marriage news, but kept a pleasant smile the whole time. When asked if she'll be giving out red envelopes this year? She said: "Artists have always gave out red envelopes! (Is there a different feeling when giving red envelopes out after marriage?) I will not talk about my personal life! I'll leave this topic for the press conference next time! (You have to hold a press conference, it's that big deal?) Of course!" As for Maggie Cheung, changing roles on short notice, expressed there are many outside opportunities, but she turned many TV and film jobs just to be in The Great Enunch. When speaking of When Heaven Burns banned in Mainland, Maggie (Siu) said viewers in Mainland can find friends to help them record the series: "I can't control this, after all if you want to watch, there will be a way to."

As the role 'Empress Dowager Cixi' was a regained role, Michelle said: "I was only able to get the role back because luckily the crew pushed back the filming. This time, I turned down many other opportunities to make room on my schedule to shoot this series. (Lost a lot of revenue?) I don't calculate that! Discussing other series now! (It's much more comforting shooting in Mainland?) The mechanism is different in the two places." As for Wayne, who plays Lee Lin Ying, expressed: "This time my role can't be distinguished between good or evil. It's not your average palace scheming dramas. It is about how Lee Lin Ying can survive in the palace."

Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Pregnant Sonija Kwok waits for the late JJ Jia in the cold

Yesterday 3 months pregnant Sonija Kwok attended an outdoor promotional event for TVB new series L'Escargot along with the other cast Michael Tse, Linda Chung, Ron Ng, Him Law and JJ Jia. Unfortunately, JJ was 30 minutes late to the promotion, leaving everyone else in the cold waiting for her. When Michael got on stage, he directly criticized JJ.

Pregnant Sonija appeared at the promotion in a short dress, leather jacket and 3-inch boots. Since the promotion was held outdoors in a garden with strong winds, Sonija and the cast were in a very difficult situation. Linda's short skirt was blown up several times, almost made her expose herself. Also with JJ late to the event, the cast were standing in the cold waiting for 30 minutes before the event could begin.

Michael couldn't help but to criticize JJ on stage: "It's one thing to be a rich girl (referring to her role), but still can't be late!" JJ quickly tried to patch things up: "I'm sorry, really sorry. My alarm clock went off, but I fell asleep again. I was used to sleeping late before, but for this promotion, I was so anxious I fell asleep at 7pm the night before and set up 2 alarms. (You should buy a third one.) I think I will have to, I could only treat everyone a meal to make it up."

For beauty, Sonija still attended the promotion in heels despite her pregnancy, she said: "If I'm stable while wearing it, no problem. I want to be a beautiful mother. I asked my husband first though." Asked of her baby's gender and if she's planning for a natural delivery? She expressed she's not sure yet: "I'm due in the middle of next year. I will have my baby in Hong Kong. Because I'm afraid there won't be delivery rooms, I booked one ahead of time. I don't mind whether the baby is a girl or a boy, but my husband hopes for a girl. (How many do you want to have?) 1 first. I will be living in HK after giving birth and I'm already on maternity leave now. In HK, I have my mother to take care of me." She admitted she now has a short temper and her husband has to withstand some beating from her.

Ron Ng expressed when he gets married in the future, he will live with his mother and if his girlfriend isn't willing to, then he will dump her. Asked if his current girlfriend is willing to? Ron said: "That's just what you all say." Asked if he's earning HK$150,000 to take part in a New Year's countdown show? He did not reveal he actual number, and just said "approximately." As for Michael, he laughed and said his appearance money for New Year's Eve is over a 100k.

Also, Him Law expressed he does not have to purchase a home yet. He said: "Wait a few more years. (Not convenient while dating?) Not now, I can still date while living with family. (Have you brought Tavia home to meet your family yet?) Who's Tavia? (Tavia Yeung!) No such thing, we aren't dating."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung to reconcile? Lucas witnesses

It is said Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse have broke the ice and is getting back together. Recently, rumors have been extensively circulating. Since the couple announced their divorce, they have not seen each other, even if Nicholas goes visit his sons, Cecilia would purposely avoid him. However, lately news broke out that the two are meeting each other closely. Earlier this month, someone bumped into the family of four eating out at a restaurant. The atmosphere was very harmonious too, Cecilia and Nic chatted happily. Yesterday [Oriental Daily] received another call reporting the news that Nic was witnessed entering a commercial building in Causeway Bay to meet his good Feng Shui Master friend (Mike). Coincidentally, Cecilia and Lucas were there as well.

Later, Reporters worked really hard to find Mike's Facebook and discovered that there is a family photo of Cecilia, Nic and Lucas. The photo had both parent standing one each side of Lucas. Although Cecilia wasn't sitting directly next to Nic, but as seen in the photo, she appeared very relaxed and happy. It seems like the two have made a breakthrough in the relationship and there is hope for reconciliation.

According to an insider, Nic and Cecilia's relationship have been gradually changing in the last month. To take into account of their two sons not having much care from parents, the two often make opportunities for them to be together as a family. A magazine also reported the two have met late November, but no pictures were taken to prove it.

In fact, Cecilia had always been stubborn when it came to love. Earlier she directly said in an interview: "The happiness I want is a happy family with the husband and wife living together until old age...if I really wanted, I can spend my whole life to wait for one person."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Miriam Yeung avoids drinking

Miriam Yeung Chin Wa immediately took time off after her concert last month. Although Chin Wa was rumored to be pregnant, she never confirmed it. Earlier her new film LOVE IN A BUFF (CHUN GIU YU JI MING)'s team held a celebration for the completion of the film with Media Asia boss Peter Lam Kin Ngok, Chin Wa also attended. Later leads Shawn Yue Man Lok and Yeung Chin Wa were interviewed. Playing a couple in the film, off screen they kept trading verbal jabs for laughs. With the director kept asking Chin Wa about her pregnancy rumors, Chin Wa did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

Ah Lok said as soon as he was in position for the interview, "Great, why are we so happy today? We are celebrating Chin Wa's pregnancy, hahaha. You better be careful, my mouth really stinks." Chin Wa joked, "This isn't funny, today the director had a son, his son is 90 minutes long. So everyone is celebrating." Director Pang Ho Cheung said, "Today we are celebrating the completion of the production, but the post production has not been completed yet. Now the most troublesome was too much comedy, the editing colleague said that it could be released in two parts because right now the film was longer than LORD OF THE RINGS."

Ah Lok joked, "Then are we getting paid for two movies?" The director responded, "Of course not, be more mature. Hahaha." Chin Wa suddenly at this moment said that she had good news for the director. Ah Lok said, "Huh, I really want to know, let's skip the interview. Are you pregnant?"

Chin Wa hit Ah Lok and Ah Lok continued to joked, "You are so intense, can it be true? Hahaha" Then they opened bottles of champagne to celebrate. Ah Lok who kept making fun of Chin Wa accidentally got champagne all over his pants, Chin Wa could not stop laughing. Chin Wa only raised her glass and did not touch a drop.

Source: Takungpao, Mingpao
Translated by: hktopten

Lau Ching Wan blocks fire with his body

Tony Leung Chiu Wai played a magician in THE GREAT MAGICIAN (DAI MOR SHOOK SI), which gave him many opportunities to play with fire. He was able to control the fire and shot out a fireball. Ching Wan and Zhou Xun even had to be trapped inside a wooden home on fire. Due to the strong fire, they were sweating bullets.

Wai Jai demonstrated DRAGONBALL like ability to blow up the magic hall and the wooden home next door. The fire even trapped Ching Wan and others. With the explosion sounds everywhere, he also stated that he felt the intensity. Inside Ching Wan and Zhou Xun played a couple that was suffering the same fate in the fire. Because they had to act in the strong fire, Ching Wan joked that this was the scene that he sweat the most since FIRE LINE (SUP MAN FOR GUP). "The temperature during the shoot was warm, the fire was like being in the sauna. I even felt like I was playing a firefighter in FIRE LINE." Ching Wan did not forget to compliment Zhou Xun and said that she showed no fear in the fire.

Zhou Xun also said that Ching Wan had the quality of a good man, no wonder everyone had such high praises for him. "Ching Wan in this film had to protect me as much as possible. Due to his stature, he was very familiar when he blocked the fire from me with his body. He made people feel very safe. No wonder many viewer friends, especially female viewers, like him so much."

Source: Takungpao, Mingpao, Singtao,
Translated by: hktopten

Fans continues Anita Mui's charity work

Diva of a generation Anita Mui Yim Fong has passed away for eight years. Her international fan club yesterday on the anniversary of their idol's death as usual went to pay their respect to Ah Mui at the Kowloon Tong Shang Shin Chun Tong and at night they held a memorial event at Central.

Ah Mui's older brother Mui Kai Ming around noon arrived at Shang Shin Chun Tong to pay his respect to Ah Mui, after staying for awhile he left two bags of clothing and fruit before departing. Over ten Mui fans have been attentively folding offerings inside. In front of Ah Mui's tablet were a large floral arrangement with purple roses and orchids, the words "Forever Miss You", a still of Ah Mui from the film THE MAGIC CRANE (SIN HOK SUN JUM), as well as some of Ah Mui's favorite food.

This year the most special was an appreciation certificate. According to fan club president Ms. So, in the past Christmas, they on behalf of the fan club held an opening ceremony for the second Anita Mui elementary school in Ah Mui's hometown in Guangxi. The fan club donated 150,000 to rebuild a new school campus so its 279 students would have a better learning environment. The Ah Mui friends donated, the first Anita Mui elementary school has already been completed in Guizhou. Now the second elementary school has been established as well. The fan club would continue to extend Ah Mui's charitable heart in hopes of even more Anita Mui elementary schools in the future.

At night, the fan club held a memorial at Central with 200 fans in attendance. When the memorial began, the entire venue held a moment of silence.

At the entrance was a donation box. Fans with HK$100 donate would receive a Sotheby Anita Mui jewelry auction booklet, the proceed would go to the construction of the third Anita Mui elementary school. A special exhibit was set up to display photos of the founding of the second Anita Mui elementary school. Ah Mui's friends and disciples including Andy Lau Tak Wa, Sammi Cheng Sau Man and Grasshoppers all recorded videos that were shown at the memorial. They hoped that charitable people would be able to support An Hui's noble wish of gladly helping others and make donations.

Source: Takungpao, Mingpao,
Translated by: hktopten

Ending Spoilers for “Bottled Passion” Revealed!

The 2-hour finale to TVB’s popular series, Bottled Passion "我的如意狼君", will be aired on Monday, January 2, 2012 in Hong Kong. Due to the poor timeslot assigned to the highly praised Bottled Passion, Producer Lee Tim Sing (李添勝) continued to air his grievances but refrained to disclose the outcome of the plot. Nevertheless, Oriental Daily received a tip regarding ending spoilers for the riveting drama!

After Niki Chow (周麗淇) and Raymond Wong (黃浩然)discover the origins of their families’ past, they decided to elope together. Unfortunately, Raymond was trapped by heiress, Miss Ko, upon which he suffered a violent and tragic death.

Niki continued to wait longly for her lover, Raymond, to return to her side. On the other hand, Joel Chan’s (陳山聰) evil actions suffered just retribution and he completely lost his family wealth.

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

TVB to Air “L’Escargot” Next Week; Sonija Kwok Turns Violent After Becoming Pregnant

Sonija Kwok (郭羨妮), Michael Tse (謝天華), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Him Law (羅仲謙), and JJ Jia (賈曉晨) attended a promotional event for new TVB series, L’Escargot "缺宅男女", which will be aired in Hong Kong next week.

Announcing her pregnancy earlier, Sonija Kwok wore 3-inch high heels and did not exhibit an obvious belly bulge. “I am three months pregnant; my due date is in mid 2012. We do not know the gender of the baby yet. My husband [Zhu Shaojie 朱少杰] prefers a girl!”

Sonija added, “I will not be accepting any new filming projects and will only take on simple work assignments. After becoming pregnant, my taste preferences changed completely, prefering salty foods.” In the early stage of pregnancy, Sonija vomitted once a day and suffered greatly; fortunately, she was no longer vomiting nowadays.

Sonija admitted that she was vain and will immediately change from her 3-inch high boots into more comfortable shoes after the promotional event. Asked whether her temperament had changed, Sonija replied, “Yes, I often hit my husband now!”

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

Kevin Chengs Meets with EEG Secretly; Eager to Resurrect Music Career

Due to his performance in Ghetto Justice "怒火街頭", “Law Ba” Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) became this year’s triple award winning TV King, with his popularity exploding wildly. With his fame and fortune both rising magnificently, Kevin also hoped to release a Mandarin album and resurrect his singer dreams. After Kevin explicitly stated his music dreams, many record companies were interested in recruiting him.

AT 6 PM yesterday, EEG executive, Ng Yu (吳雨) and TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), met at the Shangri-La Hotel in Kowloon. Shortly afterward, Kevin Cheng emerged and chatted with everyone for one hour. Ng Yu was the first to leave, upon which EEG’s concert producer, Alex Fung, continued the meeting with Kevin and Ms. Lok for another hour. Throughout the meeting, Kevin listened attentively, while Ms. Lok took notes of the details.

In a telephone interview with Oriental Daily, Kevin Cheng admitted that he did not possess any masterpieces in his music career and inevitably, felt regretful. Asked whether he had discussed plans with EEG to launch a concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum, Kevin said, “We met to toss around a few ideas. We are uncertain of the possibilities.” (How did the discussion go?) “We had a very enjoyable discussion!”

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

Huang Xiao Ming Proposed to Angelababy? Luxury “Man Cave” in Beijing Exposed!

Romantic rumors between Huang Xiao Ming (黄晓明) and Angelababy have been circulating for a period of time. Initially, the pair refused to acknowledge their dating relationship. However, their relationship have gradually opened before public eyes recently. Since their romance came to light, Angelababy’s career improved by leaps and bounds, while Xiao Ming’s love and dedication guided and supported her.

Recently, Xiao Ming and Angelababy were spotted in Beijing together. With their stable relationship, the pair reportedly got secretly engaged. Angelababy wore a huge engagement ring on her left hand middle finger, confirming rumors that they were not groundless. Contrary to their normal handling of rumors, the couple did not deny the recent engagement news.

Huang Xiao Ming’s Luxury Beijing “Man Cave” Revealed!

Huang Xiao Ming recently opened doors to his luxury Beijing apartment for a press tour. The International Garden unit, located in the golden Beijing Chaoyang District, Xiao Ming purchased his 3-bedroom condo at $1.8 million Yuan (at $9,000 Yuan per square meter). The current market value for the unit has increased five times.

Entering Huang Xiao Ming’s house was similar to going to a shopping mall. His wardrobe collection was extensive and the method in which they were neatly classified was amazing. His house had two [walk-in closets], in which one featured autumn and winter clothing, while another cloakroom featured a spring and summer collection.

Source: and
Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Angela Tong and Chin Ka Lok to Get Married in May 2012

Forty-six-year-old Chin Ka Lok (錢嘉樂) and thirty-six-year-old Angela Tong (湯盈盈) have been dating for four years. Finally, the couple decided to get married in May 2012! Eager to see Angela get married, her parents and grandmother flew from Canada to Hong Kong in December to help with the wedding plans.

According to Sudden Weekly, on the day that Angela’s family arrived at the Hong Kong airport, Chin Ka Lok (錢小豪) picked them up. Everyone went out for dinner at night. Ka Lok’s elder brother, Chin Siu Ho, was also present to discuss the upcoming wedding. An insider said, “The details of the wedding plans have not been discussed yet. However, there was an agreement on the groom’s cash gift to the bride’s family, which was a 7 figure sum.”

It was understood that Angela and Ka Lok’s wedding celebration in Hong Kong will be kept simple. Since Angela’s parents owned 4 restaurants in Canada and had a lot of friends, another wedding banquet will be held there.

Last Thursday, Angela’s father and grandmother were spotted having dim sum. Asked about Angela’s wedding plans and whether they were satisfied with Ka Lok as a future son-in-law, Angela’s father smiled happily, “Yes, we are extremely satisfied!” Angela could not contain her happiness, “[The wedding] will take place in May 2012…but we do not know when in May yet!”

With the outbreak of Angela and Ka Lok’s wedding news, Ka Lok’s ex-flame, Lee San San (李珊珊), hinted on her Weibo that she had a new boyfriend. San San posted photos of a candlelight dinner, her presents and holding hands with her beau.

Source: Sudden Weekly #856
Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

Synopsis of “Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2″; Film Rakes in $670k on First Day

Michael Tse’s (謝天華) new film, Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 "Laughing Gor之潛罪犯" was officially released on December 29, 2011 in Hong Kong theaters. On the first day, box office sales were $670,000 HKD, which fell into second place behind Hollywood blockbuster Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Charter. Due to the Christmas weekend, Mission Impossible 4 accumulated $1.15 million HKD at the box office.

Towards the end of TVB series, Lives of Omission "潛行狙擊", “Laughing Gor” Michael Tse was sentenced to life imprisonment after murdering Bosco Wong’s (黃宗澤) character. In prison, Laughing met Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), a university professor imprisoned for drug possession. Despite the professor’s gentle and aloof exterior, he was a vicious, cold-blooded criminal. Furthermore, the professor was a criminal psychologist able to discern other people’s inner secrets and dark side. Due to such abilities, the professor was able to silently control others.

At this time, a mysterious woman, who worked for high level Security Police unit, visited Laughing in prison. Laughing’s imprisonment was spurred by his role in an undercover assignment. It turned out that another person was responsible for Bosco Wong’s death. Suspecting that the incident involved a corrupt police force, the Deputy Secretary for Security Police assigned Laughing to investigate the case while posing as an inmate.

Official Trailer of Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2

Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 stars Michael Tse, Francis Ng, Chapman To, Bosco Wong, Kara Hui, Kate Tsui and Janice Man.

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars

Niki Chow never thought about competing for TV Queen

Niki Chow won favor from TVB golden producer Lee Tim Shing as he invited her several times to take part in his television productions. Unfortunately, his invitations had never been successful until Bottled Passion, when Tim Gor appointed Niki to be the lead actress. Niki said: "Tim Gor told me he won't replace my role no matter what, just by this comment, I must shoot the series."

Niki frankly said the successful collaboration was entirely because of Tim Gor's one comment: "This time I'm participated in Bottled Passion entirely because of Tim Gor's comment, he told me he won't replace my role no matter what, it is because of that one comment, I will definitely shoot it. Many things are about fate, Tim Gor was so insisting, so I will really cherish this opportunity."

In the series, Niki played what she's best at, an emotional role. The character is reflected by the innermost feelings, which really shows the ups and downs of her acting. When asked if she has confidence in winning 'TV Queen' based on this role? She said: "I personally never thought about awards. Awards cannot be predicted, and I'm not acting because of awards. I am doing this for audience to watch."

Niki had always moved forward in her showbiz career, often accepting to take part in different kinds of TV series. She now has the qualifications of an artist, but Niki frankly said she doesn't want to have too many productions: "In the past, I just keep working and working, but now I just hope for quality, not quantity. I also hope to take some time off to absorb new knowledge and enrich myself."

Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Elaine Yiu desperate to be a mother, have children first before marriage

In TVB series Bottled Passion, Elaine Yiu's performance can be clearly seen on the front line. Although the series is only getting average ratings, viewers are praising Elaine endlessly. She personally feels Bottled Passion is a turning point in her acting career as well, since she left a deep impression on viewers. This is one of the roles she is most satisfied with, she said: "In fact my role is quite similar to myself. I am cold on the outside, but hot on the inside, so the acting went a lot smoother. Tim Gor has his vision when choosing this role for me." In the series, Elaine gave up everything because she loved Raymond Wong, but later she realized her lover is wholeheartedly cheating her. She said: "In the past, I would purposely do something to make my other half happy, like making soup in the late nights, just because I want him to be happy."

Currently single, Elaine previously caught the flower bouquet at Koni Lui's wedding. Asked if she's in a rush to marry someone? She laughed: "I actually want to have children more than get marry. Women has their physiologic restrictions when it comes to having babies, and I really like children, so I may not get marry first and then have children. I may even do a lightning marriage. However, right now I don't want to marry yet, haven't met the right person yet." Elaine frankly said she does have a pursuer now, but it is still in the observation phase, she said: "Right now, the guys that I encounter are often younger than me. I hope my other half is older than me because they will have their life experiences and know how to take care of people. I anticipate for my Mr. Right to appear someday."

Also, Elaine just finished shooting The King Makers and had a lot of scenes opposite of Wayne Lai. Because of the pressure, she got thinner and thinner, she said: "I put the pressure upon myself, I hope to do better, so whatever questions I have, I ask Wayne. I really thank him for all his advices, I learned a lot from him this time around."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Joey Yung displeased by rumors brought up as a joke @ Metro Music Awards

Joey Yung, Eason Chan, Twins, BOYZ, Kary Ng, Kay Tse, GEM, Hins Cheung and many other singers attended the Metro Radio Hits Music Awards celebration yesterday. Denise Ho, who won 2 awards, was absent and attended good friend Ellen Loo's concert celebration instead.

During the awards, Joey's rumors were brought on stage and was miserably teased. At the celebration, she expressed her dissatisfaction: "Creating atmosphere is nothing more than just playing with rumors, but it doesn't work now. Audience believe this gimmick isn't anything new." It was said she spent Christmas at Denise Ho's place. Joey said: "Aiya! I just went to a Christmas party. I didn't want to answer 'no', and if I answer 'yes' then I fear you all will make up rumors."

Successfully winning the 'World Hittest Singer' award, Joey expressed her feelings: "Still it's just everyone loves me. I debuted 12 years ago, in this world if you put in the effort, it will pay off. Many people ask me, is it boring attending the music awards? I say I really like the lively atmosphere. Just think of it as a party! (Is Denise happy?) That's well-behaving of her to do this."

As for Eason, he complained that the stage is dangerous: "I already felt the stage was a little shaky when we were rehearsing. Basically the stage shouldn't be in a shape of a cross. It's best to use supports from all four sides. I understand its rather rushed when working in Hong Kong, but the details is very important too. Touch wood, what if we fall off the stage, then what?"

Eason expressed he asked one of the staff about the stage: "He told me it's safe. I said him stepping on steel string is safe too! I was a little rude too, and I want to apologize to him here." Eason denied that he will no longer attend the music awards next year: "I just said I wanted vacation, I didn't say I was gonna quit." Eason also revealed he received good friend Miriam Yeung's SMS, asked if she told him good news? He said: "I know she's on vacation now, there is no reason why she won't tell me if there is good news."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

Tang Wei fulfills action Actress dream

Tang Wei in the film SPEED ANGEL (GIK CHOOK TIN SI) played a taxi driver Siu Yi who loved to drive fast. She was also very trained in kung fu as she was able to fight one against four. She was very happy about displaying her abilities on the big screen for the first time to make up for WU XIA not fulfilling her "action actress" dream.

Tang Wei received her on screen mother Cheng Pei Pei's kung fu training. She learned wholeheartedly and personally performed fight scenes. Despite all the bruises and pain she was fine, she only hoped that no one would be too picky while watching.

In the film opening she had a fierce fight scene and had to use Tai Chi. Tang Wei said that each time she was on the set, the director would change the way they fought and she would go back to learn the new style; later she realized that the director wanted to challenge her limits. After completion she had a special sense of accomplishment. Cheng Pei Pei also praised her, "Tang Wei has hope to become a new style heroine!"

Source: Mingpao,
Translated by: hktopten
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