Wednesday, December 28, 2011

TVB to Film “Beyond the Realm of Conscience 2″ with Beijing’s CCTV

The recently broadcast When Heaven Burns "天與地", which was warehoused for two years, won critical acclaim but lost in ratings, dipping to a record low of 23 points. The new approach of the series disgruntled housewife viewers and angered advertisers. As a result, TVB will tread on safer ground next year, in which the majority of series will be based upon old formulas of success.

A TVB staff member revealed, “When Heaven Burns used a first-class line-up. After it was filmed, TVB hoped to quickly broadcast the series and see the reaction. However, they realized that the audience may be unable to accept it, thus they waited for the right opportunity and did not wish to take any chances. The truth is that the series created many controversial discussions and won praise, although it lost in ratings. The advertisers are all very upset! Management has already directed that we will resume a conservative approach. Many of the series released next year will be sequels and will place priority in audience’s preferences.”

TVB Hopes to Win Through Safe Material

Since housewives were unwilling to watch When Heaven Burns "天與地", the ratings naturally suffered. Unwilling to take another risk, TVB will release primarily sequels in 2012, hoping to win through stable prime-time ratings.

Ghetto Justice 2: Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and Myolie Wu’s (胡杏兒) Ghetto Justice "怒火街頭" was released in May 2011 and won critical praise and ratings. Catching on the popularity of the first installment, TVB is currently filming a sequel featuring the original cast.

Triumph in the Skies 2: Aired in 2003, Triumph in the Skies "衝上雲霄" was highly popular. Pilot, Francis Ng’s (吳鎮宇) hairstyle even launched a lively discussion. TVB will be filming a sequel next year, which will be a grand production series.

Beyond the Realm of Conscience 2: In 2009, Beyond the Realm of Conscience "宮心計" boosted the popularity levels of Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Moses Chan (陳豪), and Tavia Yeung (楊怡). The series opened markets in mainland China, Southeast Asia, and other geographic regions. TVB has indicated that a sequel for Beyond the Realm of Conscience will be filmed in 2012, which will be collaboration between TVB and Beijing’s CCTV station.

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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