Monday, December 26, 2011

Aaron Kwok's encore runs over scheduled time, fined HK$100,000

Aaron Kwok continued his De Showy Masquerade World Tour Live Concert 2011 the other night on Christmas night. Aaron changed into new singing costumes and performed several Christmas carols including White Christmas, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. He even gave out his concert T-shirts to the audience and brought up the atmosphere to its highest. That night, Aaron said: "Today is a normal holiday! When I was young, I wanted a White Christmas, but today is Christmas and it's such a happy day, I want to say Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone can use their imagination and imagine a White Christmas!" Artists from the industry that went to support Aaron included Kevin Cheng, Ben Wong, Maggie Cheung, Vincent Kuk and his girlfriend.

At 11pm, when the show ended, audience were unwilling to leave. After dragging for another half an hour, Aaron came back out again for the encore: "Today is Christmas, we all are so happy that we're unwilling to leave, actually me too! It's rare that I could share my music in this way. There were several other songs prepared for this concert, but because it runs through the holidays, I just couldn't sing them. Since we are so happy today, I will just perform those songs right now!" Then he performed Who Can Replace You, Exclamation in the Rain and 4 other songs. Finally, he ended the concert off with another round of We Wish You A Merry Christmas. The encore went over the scheduled time and Aaron was fined HK$100,000. When Aaron was shaking hands, a female fan grabbed his hand tightly. His manager described this fan as a very passionate fan.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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