Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kiki Sheung difficult to get along with, Eddie Cheung upset, Seut Nei rather 'die'

Kiki Sheung is known to have a hot temper. Over the many years she's been shooting TVB series, she has gotten into arguments with several artists. Following being on bad terms with Rosy Business cast members Sheren Tang, Kara Hui, Susan Tse and Ngok Wah, when she was shooting Sisters of Pearl, she didn't get along with Jessica Hsuan or Bowie Lam either.

Recently, Kiki has been collaborating with Eddie Cheung in new sitcom Til Love Do Us Lie, who has not been in a TVB production for over 10 years. The two plays a married couple in the sitcom, but it was rumored Kiki often acts like a 'Black Swan' on the set. On cameras, the 'couple' may look very loving, but behind the cameras, they do not get along. Aside from Kiki's hot temper that leads to nobody wanting to eat with her on the same table, she is often late to work too. The other day, Eddie, Kenny Wong, Charmaine Li and a large group of artists were rehearsing the scenes for a whole hour and Kiki was still no where to be seen. This angered the short temper Eddie, who couldn't tolerate Kiki's lateness and went up front to tell producer Kwan Wing Chung about it. Producer Kwan visited them in the studio to get a better understanding of the situation and asked them who is the culprit of tardiness. Just rushing into the studio, Kiki voluntarily called out: "It's me!" The other angered staff, but does not dare to speak up, all cheered and applauded in support of Eddie.

As for Suet Nei, who plays Kiki's mother in the sitcom, has been in showbiz for many many years, also felt disrespected. It was said because she couldn't tolerate the difficult 'Black Swan', she asked the producer to kill off her character: "Producer, why not just kill off my character and leave it at that!" Looks like, the two are already completely incompatible.

Eddie and Kiki are on bad terms, but yesterday they attended Til Love Do Us Lie promotional event as usual with the other cast including Angela Tong, Joyce Tang and Hanjin Tan. During the time, the two obviously had issues. As the lead actor, Eddie rather step aside during the large group photo. The other cast had to pull him back into position next to Kiki, but he completely lacked a smile. He continued to maintain his distance with Kiki and didn't interact with her. Even during the games, the two still had zero interaction despite being on the same team. It was only until Kiki helped Eddie wipe off the flour off his nose that the atmosphere began to change.

Reporters asked Eddie for the details of the situation, he said over the phone describing Kiki's personality is very 'straight'. He stressed several times the importance of being punctual: "I am fine, just hope things goes smoothly from now on. Artists being late should be handled by the executives. If I care too much, that will be beyond my authority! I did talk to the producer about it, hope everyone can be punctual." Kiki also responded over the phone and denied she was late: "Today is winter solstice, let's not start these rumors. We get along very harmoniously, even if there is something, it's a misunderstanding."

As for Suet Nei, who was rumored to have asked the producer to kill her character off, heard of Kiki's new nickname as the 'Black Swan': "I heard from the people who collaborated with her that she's only okay. Speaking under my conscience, she and I collaborating in Til Love Do Us Lie is going pretty okay. When speaking of being late to the rehearsals, I was not present. I just heard what happened after the fact, but no one has clearly told me what was really happening! (It was rumored you wanted to 'die'?) No, I didn't say anything!" However, Suet Nei does admit Kiki really has a character: "In the sitcom, I'm her mom, there won't be too much of a conflict. When she's not in a good mood, she'll just talk less. As an artist, each one of us has our own characters."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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