Friday, December 30, 2011

TVB to Air “L’Escargot” Next Week; Sonija Kwok Turns Violent After Becoming Pregnant

Sonija Kwok (郭羨妮), Michael Tse (謝天華), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Him Law (羅仲謙), and JJ Jia (賈曉晨) attended a promotional event for new TVB series, L’Escargot "缺宅男女", which will be aired in Hong Kong next week.

Announcing her pregnancy earlier, Sonija Kwok wore 3-inch high heels and did not exhibit an obvious belly bulge. “I am three months pregnant; my due date is in mid 2012. We do not know the gender of the baby yet. My husband [Zhu Shaojie 朱少杰] prefers a girl!”

Sonija added, “I will not be accepting any new filming projects and will only take on simple work assignments. After becoming pregnant, my taste preferences changed completely, prefering salty foods.” In the early stage of pregnancy, Sonija vomitted once a day and suffered greatly; fortunately, she was no longer vomiting nowadays.

Sonija admitted that she was vain and will immediately change from her 3-inch high boots into more comfortable shoes after the promotional event. Asked whether her temperament had changed, Sonija replied, “Yes, I often hit my husband now!”

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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