Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Afraid of Francis Ng Overshadowing Him, Chilam Cheung Rejects “Triumph in the Skies 2”

Since its broadcast in 2003, Triumph in the Skies "衝上雲霄" remained a memorable series. Aside from the stylish pilot, Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), the series also featured S4 pilot trainees: Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Sammul Chan (陳鍵鋒), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), and Kenneth Ma (馬國明). Eight years later, a sequel will finally be filmed with great anticipation!

In an earlier sales presentation clip that was filmed for Triumph in the Skies 2, Chilam Cheung (張智霖) was featured in a significant role, while it was implied that Francis Ng will portray a cameo role. Originally, Chilam will film Triumph in the Skies 2 as part of an arrangement to repay his “debts” with TVB. Francis Ng also made ​​it clear that he will allot space in his schedule to film the sequel, but will not consider a guest role.

Suddenly, last month, Chilam changed his mind, “It is impossible to always fawn over TVB.” Making it clear that he will be rejecting the sequel, it was understood that Chilam officially turned down Triumph in the Skies 2. The reason was that Francis Ng finally agreed to film the sequel. Afraid that Francis will overshadow him in the series, Chilam preferred not to earn the $80,000 HKD per episode filming fee that he was offered for the series!

It was stated that Triumph in the Skies 2 will begin shooting in May 2012. Prior to filming, the series was already plagued by a large number of rumors. Initially it was rumored that Francis Ng was afraid of being bogged by TVB’s filming contract and the little money involved, thus decided to turn down the offer. Subsequently, there were rumors that Chilam Cheung will film the sequel for $80,000 HKD per episode while thinking that Francis would disappear. On December 19th, at the film premiere of Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 "Laughing Gor之潛罪犯", Francis indicated that he will set aside time to film Triumph in the Skies 2. Finally, afraid that Francis would overshadow him in the series, Chilam claimed that he “had no space in his schedule” and refused the filming project. Two middle-aged men struggled back and forth over the series!

At a promotional event on December 24th, reporters asked Chilam questions about Triumph in the Skies 2. Immediately, Chilam wrinkled his forehead and was uncertain whether he will be filming the series. “I am very good friends with Francis Ng and we do not have any issues. We originally had a chance to collaborate in the first installment of Triumph in the Skies. However, due to scheduling conflicts, I could not participate. Currently, I am still in discussion with TVB and there has not been a final decision yet. I have to wait for my company to make the arrangements.” Chilam added that he was wearing sunglasses because he had injured his right eye while playing with his nephew. His assistant quickly pushed him away to avoid answering further questions.

Kenneth Ma Will Be in “Triumph in the Skies 2″

Although the sales presentation clip did not feature Kenneth Ma, he indicated that he will begin filming in May 2012. Kenneth said, “Since I already filmed sales presentation clips for several other series, I did not participate in the one for Triumph in the Skies 2. However, we have already discussed the preliminary arrangements and I have left room to film in May. I do not know whether there will be a brand new story or a continuation from the first installment. I hope that many members of the original cast can return.”

Asked whether Chilam Cheung and Francis Ng will be in Triumph in the Skies 2, Kenneth said, “Initially, I was informed that both men will participate in the series. Supervoice will portray pilot trainees. (Will there be sponsors this time?) “It is understood that from preliminary notice, the sponsor will not be Cathay Pacific, but we do not know who the sponsor will be.” Allegedly, Hong Kong Airlines has finalized sponsorship of the series.

TVB’s Director of Productions, Tommy Leung (梁家樹), indicated, “Triumph in the Skies 2 will film in May or June 2012. It is still in the early stages of production. There are many artists in the series and it is difficult to accommodate everyone’s schedules.” (Will the cast be the same as featured in the sales presentation?) “A portion of it!” (Chilam Cheung will not be in Triumph in the Skies 2?) “I do not know yet! We are still discussing his availability.” (Francis Ng is critical; you will not give him up?) “Of course not! We do not wish to give him up.” (Francis said he will film for the series!) “Yes, for the time being, that is how it is!” (Francis’ role will be increased from a guest star to lead cast?) “Haha! Anything is possible! We are still discussing with the artists! The most important thing is the script first. We considered revolving the story around first installment’s plot. However, there were protests. Thus, we have to fix the script first before the characters are finalized. When the script is finished, I hope to have more surprising cameos. Some stars wish to act for fun, so they can have guest starring roles. In the first installment, we had Eason Chan (陳奕迅) and Twins.”

Source: Face Magazine
Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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