Thursday, December 29, 2011

Synopsis of “Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2″; Film Rakes in $670k on First Day

Michael Tse’s (謝天華) new film, Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 "Laughing Gor之潛罪犯" was officially released on December 29, 2011 in Hong Kong theaters. On the first day, box office sales were $670,000 HKD, which fell into second place behind Hollywood blockbuster Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Charter. Due to the Christmas weekend, Mission Impossible 4 accumulated $1.15 million HKD at the box office.

Towards the end of TVB series, Lives of Omission "潛行狙擊", “Laughing Gor” Michael Tse was sentenced to life imprisonment after murdering Bosco Wong’s (黃宗澤) character. In prison, Laughing met Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), a university professor imprisoned for drug possession. Despite the professor’s gentle and aloof exterior, he was a vicious, cold-blooded criminal. Furthermore, the professor was a criminal psychologist able to discern other people’s inner secrets and dark side. Due to such abilities, the professor was able to silently control others.

At this time, a mysterious woman, who worked for high level Security Police unit, visited Laughing in prison. Laughing’s imprisonment was spurred by his role in an undercover assignment. It turned out that another person was responsible for Bosco Wong’s death. Suspecting that the incident involved a corrupt police force, the Deputy Secretary for Security Police assigned Laughing to investigate the case while posing as an inmate.

Official Trailer of Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2

Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 stars Michael Tse, Francis Ng, Chapman To, Bosco Wong, Kara Hui, Kate Tsui and Janice Man.

Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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