Monday, December 19, 2011

Aaron Kwok's singing and dancing flips Hong Kong Coliseum upside down

Aaron Kwok's 16 show Aaron Kwok De Showy Masquerade Word Tour Live Concert 2011 kicked off last night at Hong Kong Coliseum. Aaron changed into 8 different outfits throughout the night. The most special among the 8 was a shiny costume with silver-white colored hair. Aaron used his signature hot singing and dancing to lead on the atmosphere in the entire venue. Following last time's concert, where he did a 450 degree turn around the stage, this time Aaron takes on a bigger challenge. He initiated a trap on himself in a giant diamond shaped egg and was suspended up for a 360 degree spin. After the challenging stunt, he was completely fine and continued performing his love songs.

During the final segment, Aaron didn't take any safety precautions and went bouncing on 6 trampolines on stage as he sings, dances and does challenging moves in the air. To demonstrate high quality dance effects, there was danger everywhere on stage. The fans in the audience were screaming constantly, pushing the atmosphere to its peak. Aaron said: "I love imaginations. My concert has the ability to make the feelings of fantasy come right out. I am really thankful to have all your support. This is a dream come true."

After the show, Aaron celebrated backstage. He frankly said he is very pleased with the complete success of his concert this time and is feeling extremely happy. He reveals the budget for producing this concert was huge, especially the trampolines on stage were custom made in Germany. Aaron and his dancers have been rehearsing repeatedly, leading to back injuries. Fortunately he recovered before the concert started and didn't affect his performance. When asked if his girlfriend Lynn felt heartbroken to see him hurt? He said: "I didn't speak up about it. (Will she come support you on Christmas?) Perhaps in the next few days, there is a chance. In fact, many of my showbiz friends are invited. I really want to share this with everyone!" Aaron expressed his costumes were designed by William Cheung. The gold colored costume was 10 pounds, so it was definitely hard to dance in it. Asked why he didn't strip to show off his muscles? Aaron said: "Perhaps Uncle wants to give everyone a different feeling or maybe in the next shows I'll strip off my clothing while I bounce on the trampoline. It is all centered around elegance!"

Also, Aaron expressed he intends to combine 21 raised platforms to create a large-scale stage and then apply to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for a stage with the most raised platforms.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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