Saturday, December 24, 2011

Chilam Cheung calls it "crazy" to be on bad terms with Francis Ng

Yesterday Chilam Cheung was a guest at a charity event at the stadium in Mong Kok. He reveals he will be supporting good friend Aaron Kwok's concert for a second time on New Year's Eve. Chilam said: "I am very honored to have such a good performer friend. He is someone that I could really learn from. I believe I don't have as much stamina as Aaron does, so my concerts will mainly focus on slow songs."

It was said he and Francis Ng are on bad terms and because of this, it was rumored for Triumph in the Skies II, if one is there, then the other won't? Chilam sighed loudly: "Crazy! Francis and I are such good friends, of course not! In fact, we actually had the chance to collaborate in the last series, but because of schedule conflicts, it didn't happen. He is a good actor, this time I really hope we can collaborate, but nothing is confirmed yet. We'll wait for TVB to arrange it."

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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