Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Raymond Wong’s Hot Body Excites Female Masses and Spurs Comparisons to Leslie Cheung

Monday, December 26th was Boxing Day and a public holiday, which must have affected television ratings. In yesterday’s episode of Bottled Passion "我的如意狼君", Raymond Wong (黃浩然) had a scene in which he took off his shirt, revealing his muscular torso. After the episode aired last night, Raymond’s topless scene successfully captured the excitement of a large group of female fans!

Some netizens were fascinated by Raymond’s muscular chest. One fan noted, ”The side profile of Raymond Wong’s face resembles Leslie Cheung (張國榮)! Raymond is very handsome and looks extremely sexy when he cries!” Netizens also praised Bottled Passion for being a good series and indicated they watched it every night. Currently working in mainland China, Raymond Wong has been unable to respond to netizens’ compliments.

Telephone interview, Bottled Passion cast member, Jack Wu (胡諾言), indicated that he did not know that the series was originally slated for October broadcast. “If there were two time slots, then of course that would have been better. Of course, the October airing date would have been more advantageous! It is closer to the TVB Anniversary! December is not too bad, with the exception of more holidays.”

Jack added, “Producer Lee Tim Sing (李添勝) and the scriptwriting team put a lot of effort into Bottled Passion. The series was executed with a great level of detail. As an artist, I am not qualified to comment whether the airing slot is good or bad.”

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: Jayne @ JayneStars
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