Friday, December 23, 2011

Donnie Yen a dark face Indian rock star dancing with Sandra Ng

Aside from Donnie Yen's great Kung Fu talent, he also makes a good laughing stock for comedy films. Sandra Ng and Donnie Yen star in Raymond Wong's Lunar New Year film All Well Ends Well 2012. Donnie plays a frustrated rock star who had to dress up like an Indian wearing high heels. Because of this scene, Donnie and Sandra secretly rehearsed their dancing skills prior to the shoot. He said: "To accommodate the singing and dancing of this scene, as well as the Indian look, not only did I darken my face, I was also wearing heels while singing and dancing. When I saw myself completely in the costume, I was frightened too because the outcome looked just liked the real thing. Also with the live background music, it really seemed like I was an Indian." He expressed he felt his appearance looks really funny. Donnie hopes everyone will be able to see all the 'kung fu' (effort) he put into this scene, and to see a comedic side of him. He said: "The box office will prove my work paid off. I hope audience can really feel my sincerity."

His costar Sandra expressed: "I think I was really stupid to have promised Donnie I'll be a former singer. In the past when I did Lunar New Year films, it was really comfortable. To my surprise, this time I have to shoot a few MVs, sing and dance. Of course, he (Donnie) has no problem, since he exercises on a regular basis and can physically handle it. When we were shooting, I saw how much effort he put into the dancing, the only thing I could do is suck it up. After shooting for a whole day, I almost collapsed from exhaustion. I was really stupid to bring trouble on myself."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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