Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Benny Chan publishes a written Public Apology on the day of his 'deadline'

A month ago, Hong Kong artist Benny Chan forcefully hugged and kissed Rose Chan while being intoxicated in Shanghai. When the situation got rough, Benny and his pregnant wife came forward for a public confession. The other 'main lead' in this incident, Joe Ma, was publicly forgiven by Rose's mentor Sin Kwok Lam (Master Sin). However, it is unclear if Master Sin ever sued Benny in Mainland.

According to Master Sin, who reveal at an event earlier, the Mainland Public Security must take action 30 days after the incident. So, the final decision should be made by December 15th. Of no coincidence, Benny published a written "Public Apology" on the newspapers today (12/15th), right on the day of the 'deadline'. The incident has caught people's attention once again.

Benny's public apology

I, Benny Chan, caused physical and mental harm to Ms. Rose Chan in Hengdian earlier due to my intoxicated behavior. I hereby make an official public apology in writing.

1) Ms. Rose Chan did not have any motive whatsoever. She is a kind-hearted and hardworking artist as well as the victim of this incident. Earlier there were some comments that caused misunderstandings that Ms. Rose Chan was making up the story, is two-faced and wants to take the opportunity to get up top. Regarding all the comments that may have harmed Rose Chan, my wife, my manager (Charles Lam) and I hereby clarify that none of the comments are true." I also stressed and urge all of my friends and fans to stop attacking Ms. Chan and her family and to show respect for Ms. Chan.

2) I completely understand that being intoxicated can bring serious consequences. I learned a lesson. I hope Ms. Chan and her family can give me a second chance and accept my sincere apology.

3) To show my sincerity, I am currently willing to donate to the 'End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation' and support those who have been sexually abused. I also warn and will strengthen my determination to not make the mistake again.

Benny Chan

Benny's statement sure had true intentions, but because the newspaper publish was during a 'sensitive' time, it will be difficult to see Master Sin give in and cancel the Public Security report. Reporters contacted Benny's manager Charles Lam to ask about this issue. He clarified that the publication of the public apology was purely a coincidence: "Initially it was suppose to be out yesterday, but because it wasn't done in time, so we changed the date." He also said at this point, there has been no communication made in private with Master Sin.

Since Benny already apologized at the press conference, why was there a written public apology too? Charles said: "Last time he came out to see everyone, but Master Sin he didn't have enough sincerity. So, we are doing more to express our sincerity."

About Benny's written apology, Master Sin replied yesterday and expressed he will have to look at the statement before responding. He said: "I know the people around Benny have suggested him to do many things. I will have to wait until tomorrow before I can make a decision." He said Rose has already recovered: "She's working again and is being looked after. Also, earlier she won the Newcomer Award in Macau earlier, so that's a source of encouragement for her."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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