Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Gods promote HK Coliseum concert, brings 'Tony Leung' and 'Carina Lau' on stage

'Fuk Luk Sau' (The Gods) Louis Yuen, Wong Cho Lam and Johnson Lee will be making their debut in Hong Kong Coliseum in February 2012 for the Those Years of Laughter Can't Leave Three Brothers concert. Yesterday the three of them held a press conference outside of HK Coliseum and took the lead in showing off their disguise skills. Louis pretended to be Crowd Lu on the guitar, Johnson pretended to be Jacky Cheung singing love songs and Wong Cho Lam posted his disguise as Tony Leung on Weibo attracting lots of response. Even Carina Lau left him a message saying she was frightened seeing Cho Lam like that. As the MC, King Kong put on a 'Carina' mask and loudly shouted "Husband" to Cho Lam, who was 'Tony Leung'. Cho Lam laughed: "Really sorry, looks like I didn't just frighten Carina, but I also frightened Tony Leung."

The Gods reveals they are temporarily set for only 1 show, but if the response gets better, they may decide to open more shows. Louis reveals the other day they got in touch with Carina: "She said its Tony's birthday in the next couple of days, so when the time comes, she'll bring Cho Lam's 'Tony Leung' disguised picture to show him." Cho Lam joked and said he turned into a birthday gift.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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