Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kate Tsui & Ron Ng 'couple team' making money, careless if Viann Zhang is jealous

TVB vice-chairman Norman Leung celebrated the high ratings with the Forensic Heroes III cast including Wayne Lai, Ron Ng, Kate Tsui and Maggie Cheung. Kate exposed that FH3 has helped her earn 7 figures of extra income. She couldn't believe that it's been a period of time since the series ended, but there are still companies interested in her on-screen pairing with Ron Ng. Asked if she's worried that Ron's girlfriend Viann Zhang might be jealous and get upset? Kate said: "Too bad the companies like to ask Ron and I to work together. We are just working though. As for how others think, I will not comment!"

She reveals she and Ron will be a 'couple team' until Lunar New Year and will even crash into Viann's world by working in Mainland. Viann is currently shooting for Lunar New Year film I Love Hong Kong 2, Kate has not been invited to guest star, but she won't compared her body figure with Viann. As she has been involved in the rumors with Ron, Kate said Ron didn't apologize to her.

Ron expressed the 'couple team' with Kate is for work purposes, there is no need to report that to his girlfriend. They both have their own jobs. It was rumored Eric Tsang intends to invite him to guest star in his Lunar New Year film I Love Hong Kong 2 and collaborate with Viann? Ron said his jobs are all handled by his manager. He is currently shooting new series The Prominent Family, and if he does have time, he hopes to rest. He won't be guest starring in any films. Ron does not decline to collaborating with Viann, just have to see if the schedule matches and if the script is fitting. However, all is arranged by TVB.

After Wayne completes The King Makers, he will immediately start The Great Eunuch, he said the schedule has been too tight, so he doesn't even have the time to look at the script. He is fortunate there is the Christmas and New Year holidays that is coming, giving him more opportunities to make some extra income.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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