Friday, December 9, 2011

Viann Zhang controls Ron Ng's life, forces him to post whereabouts on Weibo

Ron Ng and Viann Zhang's romance is like a chain of drama series. Following the 'Sneak Weibo post' (TN: Chinese title sounds like Lives of Omission) and the 'Don't Blame Her' (TN: Ron's old song), it turns out behind the scenes it's like My Sassy Girl (TN: Korean drama). According to the inside news exposed by radio host Angela Au yesterday, Viann's sassy behavior is endless that is really disappointing. She is very strict towards Ron and under her 'discipline', he was asked to hand over his Weibo password, allowing her sneak in posts on his Weibo. Not only that, she controls his personal life and stops 'HK girls' from getting near her boyfriend.

Although Ron is already in a controlling relationship with Viann with "no freedom, lost of freedom", she does not give up just yet. Even if Ron is away from her, she wants Ron to publicly report his whereabouts in order to control him all day, everyday and prevent any 'accidents'. What happens is whenever Viann mentions "Where are you?" and "What are you doing?" on whatsapp, Ron will have immediately answer her and even has to take a photo of what he's doing at that time, post it on Weibo and prove to her that he isn't lying. Angela Au said: "If he said he's eating sushi with friends, he will have to immediately take a picture of the sushi and share it on Weibo, to prove he isn't lying." What is most shocking is Ron, who had always had the impression that he has a casual personality, did not resist and appeared to be totally willing to be controlled.

Reporters looked back at both of their Weibos, and discovered the two have really leaked their 'sweetness' out on Weibo. Last month, Ron uploaded a photo of a fish, and commented: "Today I went to have Japanese food after work." Ron also often updates his whereabouts on Weibo, like last month he uploaded a photo of himself in a black cap, and reveals he's working in Guangzhou. On Viann's Weibo, she seems to have fell in love with uploading photos of food.

So, it doesn't matter what kind of tyrant Viann wants the public to see her as, but under an "one willing to fight, the other willing to suffer" relationship, Ron is definitely enjoying himself.

According to an insider, Ron may have tried to be confusing and said "we dated before", but they never broke up after all. The two are still in their sweet relationship. The insider exposed Viann and Ron have little opportunities to see each other, but the two utilize all channels to send their love. Aside from Weibo, they also talk on the phone, which is the couple's designated activities.

Viann's manager (Jason) denounced the rumors as 'rubbish talk': "After we check where the source of the news, we will issue a statement to those who are making up the truth."

Mavis Pan groans for being dragged into the water

Viann used Ron's Weibo to post her 'bed photo' and forced Ron to admit he once 'dated her'. This inevitably leads people to think of TVB Siu Sang Raymond Lam, who also had a similar experience with his Mainland ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan. Reporters called her to asked if she knows about Ron and Viann's recent news? She expressed she saw it on Weibo and the internet, but she is not too sure of their situation. She said it is not her business and is their personal life. She has no right to intervene, but could not help but groan of how she's been innocently dragged into the issue. She feels very annoyed!

When speaking of Viann using a 'heavy hand' to control Ron, Mavis expressed: "At the time (referring to the bed photo scandal with Raymond Lam) she told others that she doesn't know me well. She said so herself, so I don't care about her issues."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum
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